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An OpenFrameworks wrapper for bezier-rs providing a set geometrical functions on cartesian planar Beziér paths or shapes. In terms of algorithm, the Bezier-rs is quite close to bezier.js from Pomax's research work.

Early state

Bezier-rs provides plenty of functions, not all are implemented yet.
Right now, consider this addon as a proof-of-concept for using libBezierRs with C++ code.
Tested on osx 10.12 + OF 0.11.2 and linux + OF 0.11.2, the binaries are not yet bundled.

Functions :

  • Shape offset
  • Shape outline
  • Shape rotation
  • Reversing winding direction
  • Computing the bounding box of a shape
  • Shape hit testing
  • Inflections
  • Find shape self intersections
  • Evaluate a point on the shape (t-value)
  • Normal from t-value
  • Tangent from t-value
  • Curvature from t-value
  • Find closest point on shape


The shape object is close to the underlying one used in bezier-rs.
Their concept is quite simple :

  • A point has a x and y.
  • A bezier handle is a set of 3 points : 1 anchor and 2 (absolute) in/out bezier handles.
  • A shape is a set of multiple bezier handles and can be closed (shape) or not (path).
    Note: Shapes work better if handles are winded clockwise.

Implementation notes

Bezier-rs is a library written in Rust which can build a C compatible library.

ofxBezierRs relies on 3 essential components :

  • bezier-rs-ffi : A rust crate to build a library that provides API for communicating with C (an ffi in Rust's terms).
  • bezier-rs-ffi.h : C++ bindings for the compiled library, generated from the rust crate.
  • ofxBezierRs.h : Some glue to make it work better with OF.


#include "ofxBezierRs.h"
int main(){

	// Build an array-compatible list of beziers handles.
	// Must remain accessible when calling bez_rs_shape_create.
	std::vector<bezrsBezierHandle> bezierHandles = { ... }; // <-- Fill this with your vector drawing
	// Make raw handle
	bezrsShapeRaw bezRsShapeInput = {, bezierHandles.size(), true };
	// Build internal/opaque shape from raw input
	bezrsShape* bezRsShape = bezrs_shape_create( &bezRsShapeInput, true);
	// Transform the shape
	bezrs_cubic_bezier_offset(bezRsShape, 10, bezrsJoinType::Round, 0);
	// Retrieve resulting shape
	bezrsShapeRaw offsetShapeRaw = bezrs_shape_return_handle_data(bezRsShape);
	// Use result
	size_t bhi = 0;
	for (const bezrsBezierHandle* bh =; bhi < offsetShapeRaw.len; bh++){
		ofDrawCircle(bh->pos.x, bh->pos.y, 5.f); // draw
		// or copy to own variable

	// Destroy shape handle

	return 0;

There's a set of ImGui helpers available, to opt-in, define OFXBEZRS_DEFINE_IMGUI_HELPERS.


To build a new library binary for your platform, make sure that you have Rust installed.

  • curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Build the library :

  • cd ./bezier-rs-ffi/
  • cargo build --release
  • Copy lib files to ofxBezierRs/libs/bezier-rs-ffi/lib/PLATFORM/libbezier_rs_ffi.a|dylib|so (PLATFORM: osx, linux64, etc.)

Generate bindings :

  • Install or update cbindgen : cargo install --force cbindgen
  • cd ./bezier-rs-ffi/
  • Run : cbindgen --config ./cbindgen.toml --crate bezier-rs-ffi --output include/bezier-rs-ffi.h.
  • Copy bezier-rs-ffi.h to libs/bezier-rs-ffi/include.

You can run the above instructions automatically :

  • cd ./libs/bezier-rs-ffi && ./


The bezier-rs crate is licensed MIT or Apache-2.0. The bezier-rs crate is made by the team behind ofxBezierRs and bezier-rs-ffi are MIT and made by Daan de Lange.


An OpenFrameworks wrapper for bezier-rs providing a set geometrical functions on cartesian planar Beziér paths or shapes.







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