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Innopolis University - Models course. WhyApp is a WhatsApp clone to get used to formal methods.

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WhyApp is a WhatsApp clone to pass Models course

Innopolis University Models of Software Systems Requirements Specification Document

Introduction This document presents the software requirements of WhatsApp2, a freeware instant messenger service for Smart Phones. The software development of WhatsApp2 is based on the use of Formal Methods (mathematical) techniques. We elicited our requirements by direcltying installing and using the WhatsApp app that is available fromt the Android store. Our requirements don’t cater for the Web version of WhatsApp, but only for the Android version of it.

Glossary App - Android app Content - Videos, photos, text, etc. Local invariant - Property about a chat session System invariant - Property about the working of several chat sessions

Product Description

Basic Functionality for Chat Sessions (machine0) US-01 create_chat_session create_chat_session As a user, I want to create a chat session so as to chat with another user Acceptance criterion Given Chat session between Me and Another-User does not exist Given Another-User is in my contact list When I select a create chat session with Another-User Then Chat session between Me and Another-User is created

US-02 select_chat select_chat As a user, I want to select a chat session so as to chat with A-User Acceptance criterion Given Chat session between Me and A-User exists Given Chat session between Me and A-User is not active When I select chat session with A-User Then Chat session between Me and A-User is made active

US-03 chatting chatting As a user, I want to send a text message or a content during a chat session with another user so as to communicate with her Acceptance criterion Given Chat session with Another-User is active When Text is typed or content is produced and sent by Me Then Text or content is made available to Another-User

US-04a delete_content delete_content As a user, I want to delete some text or content exchanged with another user during a chat session so as to unclutter a chat conversation Acceptance criterion Given Content exists and has been received by Me Given Me is not the sender but the receiver of the content When Me selects to delete the content he has received Then Content is removed only from chat session between Me and Another-User, but not from the chat session between Another-User and Me

US-04b remove_content remove_content As a user, I want to delete some content exchanged with another user during a chat session so as to unclutter a chat conversation Acceptance criterion Given Content exists and has been sent by Me Given Me is the sender of the content When Me selects to remove the content he has sent Then Content is removed only from chat session between Me and Another-User, but not from the chat session between Another-User and Me.

US-05 delete_chat_session delete_chat_session As a user, I want to delete a chat session so as to keep uncluttered my communication with other users Acceptance criterion Given Chat session between Me and Another-User exists When I select to delete the active chat session Then Chat session that relates Me and Another-User is deleted as well as its associated content and text

US-06 mute_chat mute_chat As a user, I want to mute a chat session to prevent communication with another user Acceptance criterion Given Chat session between Me and Another-User exists When I select to mute a chat session Then Chat session is muted and no communication from Me to the muted user is permitted (or vice-versa)

US-07 unmute_chat unmute_chat As a user, I want to unmute a chat session as to reestablish communication with another user Acceptance criterion Given Chat session between Me and Another-User is muted When I select to unmute a chat session Then Chat session is reestablished so communication from/to that chat session is possible

US-08 broadcast broadcast As a user, I want to broadcast a content to a group of users for quick communication Acceptance criterion Given Other-Users exist in my contact list Given ME has access to the content When I decide to broadcast the content to Other-Users Then the content is sent to Other-Users

US-09 forward forward As a user, I want to forward a content to a group of users for quick communication Acceptance criterion Given Other-Users exist in my contact list Given ME has access to the content Given respective chats between ME and Other-Users exist When I decide to forward the content to Other-Users Then the content is sent to Other-Users

US-10 uselect_chat uselect_chat As a user, I want to unselect a chat session so as to chat with Another-User Acceptance criterion Given Chat session between Me and A-User exists Given Chat session between Me and A-User is active When I unselect chat current session A-User Then Chat session between Me and A-User is made inactive

Local Invariants for Basic Functionality of Chat a Sessions

  1. A chat session between two users has a set of associated content available to both of them.
  2. For a chat session, it’s never the case that some content is available to one user but not to the other.
  3. Content is associated to a chat session only if one the users of the session has sent the content to the other user (or vice-versa).
  4. Several chat sessions can be created, but only one (or none) created chat session may be active.
  5. Only a created chat session may be made active, however, a chat session can be created but inactive.
  6. A chat session relates exactly two (different) users.
  7. Chat communication with a muted user is no feasible. I can try to send text or content to a muted user but then it produces no effect.
  8. A user cannot be muted and active at the same time.

System Invariants for Basic Functionality of Chat Sessions

  1. Several chat sessions can coexist within the system.
  2. Chat sessions are uniquely identified throughout the system.
  3. Users are uniquely identified throughout the system.
  4. Only one chat session maximum can be established between two different users.
  5. Chat sessions are not symmetric. That is, the fact that user A has a created session to chat with user B, does not necessarily mean that user B has a created session to chat with user A. And, the fact that user A has an active chat session with user B does not necessarily means that user B has an active chat session with user B.
  6. It’s never the case that chat content exists associated to users for which no chat instance exists.
  7. A content item is uniquely identified throughout the whole system.

Extended Functionality with Read/Unread Status (machine1) EX-01 Read Stamp Read Stamp As a user, I want to know which chat sessions I have read as to keep track of new information Acceptance criterion Given A chat session between Me and Another-User exists When Any time Then A Read/Unread stamp for that chat session is produced

EX-xx Time Stamps Time Stamps As a user, I want to know the time stamp of a text message or content that I have received as to better comprehend my chat discussions Acceptance criterion Given A chat session between Me and Another-User exists When I select to read a chat session with Another-User Then Time stamps for each content or each piece of text in a chat are produced

Local Invariants for Extended Functionality with Read/Unread Status

  1. A chat session has an associated “read” or “unread” status.
  2. Sent content has an associated “unread” time stamp by default until the content receiver decides to read the chat.
  3. A chat session has a “read” status if each piece of text or content that it contains has a “read” status. If some chat content has associated an “unread” status then the whole chat session has a “unread” status associated.

System Invariants for Extended Functionality with Read/Unread Chats

  1. For each chat session between User-A and User-B, the session as perceived by User-A reads the same as the same session as perceived by User-B.

Extended Functionality with Ownership (machine2) Local Invariants for Extended Functionality with Content Ownership

  1. If a user sends some content, then she will be considered the owner of that content.
  2. Each content item has an owner.
  3. Each user can see any content that she owns

System Invariants for Extended Functionality with Content Ownership

  1. The owner of some content is unique, that is, two different users cannot own the same content.

Extended Functionality with Implementation Details (machine3) EX-02 reading_chat reading_chat As a user, I want to read a chat session Acceptance criterion Given Chat session between Me and Another-User exists When I read a chat session between Me and Another-User Then Content of chat session between Me and Another-user is made available to Me


Innopolis University - Models course. WhyApp is a WhatsApp clone to get used to formal methods.







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