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Reduce Complexity with automated setup of Kubernetes Cluster, Virtual Machines and Storage across Provider and Platforms.

The daiteapcli is a command line tool that you can use alternatively to our Daiteap Web Console to interact with a Cloud Provider.

daiteapcli offers one interface to IaaS cloud provider and cloud platforms to spin up essential services. With our unique network solution, you are able to span Kubernetes and VM clusters across providers e.g. multi-region and multi site.


To install the tool without building the binary execute this command:

go install


Run daiteapcli --help for a list of available commands.


  • Login:
daiteapcli login
  • Create cloud credential for AWS:
daiteapcli cloud-credentials create --aws-access-key-id ACCESS_KEY_D \
--aws-secret-access-key ACCESS_KEY\
 --label aws-credentials1 \
--description "Description" \
--shared-credentials false \
--provider aws
  • Create a project:
daiteapcli projects create --name FirstProject --description "Desc"
  • Create Kubernetes cluster across 2 providers GCP and Azure:
daiteapcli k8s create-dlcmv2 \ 
  --project bb893a8a-1f42-432c-bd7b-60361f49433b \
  --name 'my_k8s_cluster' \
  --description 'desc' \
  --size S \
  --high-availability false \
  --google-credential 1 \
  --google-region europe-west1 \
  --azure-credential 3 \ 
  --azure-region 'us-east-1'
  • Create 5-node Compute cluster across GCP and AWS:
daiteapcli compute create-compute-vms \
    --name "Multicloud_compute_cluster"
    --project PROJ_ID
    --aws-credential 1 \
    --aws-instance-type S \
    --aws-machine-count 2 \
    --aws-operating-system debian \
    --aws-region eu-west \
    --aws-zone eu-west-1 \
    --google-credential 2 \
    --google-instance-type M \
    --google-machine-count 3 \
    --google-operating-system debian \
    --google-region us-east \
    --google-zone us-east-2

Development Environment

Start Devcontainer

There are 2 ways to start the devcontainer.

From VS Code:

  • Install Dev Containers extension in VS Code
  • From Remote Explorer tab -> Dev Containers -> + New Dev Container -> Open Current Folder in Container

From Terminal:

  • Install devcontainers
  • Execute
# start devcontainer
devcontainer up --workspace-folder .
# start vscode
code .
  • Attach VSCode to the running devcontainer

Build & Install CLI

These commands are already executed once when the devcontainer is created. Execute them again whenever you make changes to the code.

go build
go install


If you want to connect the CLI to your local platform, use the command below and replace local_url with the URL of your frontend.

For the daiteap-platform devcontainer the default is http://localhost:8083, you will also need to edit - in Keycloak -> Realm Daiteap -> Realm Settings -> Frontend URL = http://localhost:8083/auth/

daiteapcli config set --url local_url

Run Tests

go test -v ./...