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Setting up your computer

Jon McClure edited this page Apr 8, 2016 · 7 revisions

To use the interactives app you must have several programs installed on your computer.


First, your computer must have node.js installed with the node package manager, npm.

To make sure you have npm, open your terminal and type:

$ npm -v

You should see a version number printed.

(If you're not yet familiar with working in the terminal, take a few minutes to watch an introductory video on the basics. It's not as scary as it seems.)


Once you have npm installed, you'll need to install several dependencies, including the dmninteractives generator.

Be sure to install them with npm globally like this (may need sudo privileges):

$ npm install -g gulp
$ npm install -g yo
$ npm install -g bower
$ npm install -g generator-dmninteractives


You'll also need to make sure you have installed ImageMagick in order to create responsive image sets.

Mac OSX, install Homebrew, if you haven't yet, and then:

brew install imagemagick


apt-get install imagemagick

Updating the app

Whenever updates are made to the interactives app by developers, you'll want to update your locally installed version, as well.

Check which version of the app you have installed:

npm list -g --depth=0

Make sure your app matches the latest version on npm:

├── generator-dmninteractives@0.2.0

If it doesn't:

npm update -g generator-dmninteractives