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New for 2022


Due to the large number of breaking and substantial changes between 2021 and 2022, it is advised that existing teams thoroughly read this document!

A number of improvements have been made to FRC|reg| Control System software for 2022. This article will describe and provide a brief overview of the new changes and features as well as a more complete changelog for Java/C++ WPILib changes. This document only includes the most relevant changes for end users, the full list of changes can be viewed on the various WPILib GitHub repositories. WPILib recognizes that some of these changes may cause teams issues in the short term upgrading. We expect it to pay off over the long term as we better improve the internals of WPILib.

Due to internal GradleRIO changes, it is necessary to update previous years projects. After :doc:`Installing WPILib for 2022 </docs/zero-to-robot/step-2/wpilib-setup>`, any 2020 or 2021 projects must be :doc:`imported </docs/software/vscode-overview/importing-gradle-project>` to be compatible.

It's recommended to also review the list of :doc:`known issues <known-issues>`.

Major Changes (Java/C++)

These changes contain some of the major changes to the library that it's important for the user to recognize. This does not include all of the breaking changes, see the other sections of this document for more changes.

  • Drive class functions such as DifferentialDrive and MecanumDrive no longer invert the right side by default. Please use setInverted on your motor controllers to invert the right side to maintain the same behavior
  • Old Command-Based has been removed from the list of new templates in VS Code. Please migrate to the new Command-Based library. The Old Command Based remains available to support existing code.
  • IterativeRobot has been removed. Please use the TimedRobot template instead


General Library

  • Rewrite :doc:`Mechanism2d </docs/software/dashboards/glass/mech2d-widget>` to utilize NetworkTables
  • Improved the error message when a program crashes
  • Added support for DMA to Java
  • Added TimesliceRobot project template. This allows users to timeslice schedule periodic functions
  • Added C++ TankDrive example
  • Added PS4Controller controller class
  • Added better message for when an I2C port is out of range
  • Added Debouncer (Java, C++) class. This helps with filtering rising and falling edges when dealing with boolean values
  • Added PneumaticHub class for use with the REV Pneumatic Hub
  • GenericHID has been updated to static functions to use for non-defined controller types.
  • XboxController has migrated away from taking arguments in functions and instead has functions with no arguments. An example conversion is below:
    • controller.getTriggerAxis(GenericHID.Hand.kLeft) -> controller.getLeftTriggerAxis()
    • controller.getX(GenericHID.Hand.kLeft) -> controller.getLeftX()
  • getInstance() functions in CameraServer, DriverStation, LiveWindow, Preferences, SendableRegistry, have been deprecated and replaced with static functions
  • Timer::HasPeriodPassed() and Timer.hasPeriodPassed() have been deprecated. Use AdvanceIfElapsed() instead
  • Several new classes have been added to enable simpler access to Counter: ExternalDirectionCounter (Java/ C++), Tachometer (Java/ C++), and UpDownCounter (Java/ C++)
  • DutyCycleEncoder: add support for setting duty cycle range
  • Added ADIS16448_IMU and ADIS16470_IMU classes.
  • Added BangBangController class (Java, C++) for maximally-aggressive velocity control of high-inertia mechanisms, which is useful for flywheel shooters.

Breaking Changes

  • PDP is now PowerDistribution
  • Various PCM related classes (Solenoid, Compressor) now require a PneumaticsModuleType to support either the CTRE Pneumatics Control Module or REV Pneumatic Hub. Vendor specific methods have been moved to the PneumaticsControlModule or PneumaticHub classes
  • Sendable has been broken up into NetworkTables components (called NTSendable*, nt namespace) and non-NetworkTables components (moved to wpiutil, wpi namespace). This will make it easier for vendors and external libraries to integrate Sendable
  • InterruptableSendableBase has been broken up into AsynchronousInterrupt & SynchronousInterrupt. Rather then a class, like DigitalInput extending InterruptableSendableBase and all interrupt methods being accessed through the DigitalInput, teams should instead construct AsynchronousInterrupt or SynchronousInterrupt, and pass it the DigitalSource (e.g. DigitalInput).
  • C++: DriverStation.ReportWarning and DriverStation.ReportError have been removed. Use FRC_ReportError in frc\Errors.h header. Status of frc::err::Error can be used for Errors and frc::warn::Warning can be used for warnings.
  • SpeedController has been renamed to MotorController
    • Various portions of the API still refers to SpeedController for backwards compatibility. Users should pass MotorController instead
  • Several duplicate SpeedController methods have been removed. Use set instead of setSpeed. Use disable instead of setDisable. Several low level methods have been removed: position, bounds, periodMultiplier, zeroLatch, and raw methods. Use the PWM class directly if this level of control is needed.
  • Various DriverStation In[Mode] functions has been renamed (IE: InDisabled -> inDisabled)
  • Normalize has been renamed to Desaturate in DifferentialDrive, MecanumDrive, KilloughDrive, MecanumDriveWheelSpeeds, DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds. NormalizeWheelSpeeds has been renamed to DesaturateWheelSpeeds in SwerveDriveKinematics.
  • Deprecated wpilibj.cameraserver has been removed. Use cameraserver instead
  • Deprecated RobotDrive has been removed. Use DifferentialDrive instead
  • Deprecated GearTooth has been removed. Use the Counter class instead
  • C++: Deprecated WPILib.h has been removed. Please only include what you need
  • C++: wpi::StringRef is replaced with std::string_view. This is a drop in replacement in most cases
  • C++: wpi::ArrayRef is replaced with wpi::span. This is a modified backport of the C++20 std::span
  • C++: wpi::Twine is replaced with fmtlib. It has more features and is standard in C++20
  • C++: wpi::sys::path is replaced with fs::path from #include <wpi/fs.h> which is based on std::filesystem
  • C++: frc::filesystem methods have been simplified to return std::string, rather then using a pointer parameter
  • C++: wpi::math is replaced with wpi::numbers which is based on C++20 std::numbers.
  • C++: Support for std::cout was removed from units because <iostream> has significant compile-time overhead. Use fmtlib instead, an analog for C++20's std::format() (e.g., fmt::print("{}", 2_m)). The units headers automatically include fmtlib. If you still want to use std::cout, call value() on the variable being printed (e.g., std::cout << velocity.value()).
  • C++: Various classes have migrated to use :doc:`units </docs/software/basic-programming/cpp-units>`: Ultrasonic, CommandScheduler, CommandState, WaitUntilCommand, MecanumControllerCommand, RamseteCommand, SwerveControllerCommand, TrapezoidProfileCommand, WaitCommand, Counter, CounterBase, DriverStation, Encoder, InterruptableSensorBase, MotorSafety, Notifier, SPI, SerialPort, SlewRateLimiter, Solenoid, Timer, Watchdog, and Old Commands: Command, CommandGroup, CommandGroupEntry, TimedCommand, WaitCommand, WaitForChildren, WaitUntilCommand
  • The old PIDController, PIDSource and PIDOutput classes have been moved from the main library to the Old Commands Vendordep. Wrapper classes in the pidwrappers package have been added for PIDSource and PIDoutput support for WPILib classes, also in the Old Commands Vendordep. These classes have been deprecated since 2020. The new PID Controller in edu.wpi.first.math.controller for Java and frc2 for C++ is the recommended replacement.
  • Preferences putX methods (e.g. putDouble) have been deprecated and replaced with setX methods for consistency with the rest of WPILib API.

Package Renames

We have committed to several organizational renames that will allow us greater flexible with new classes in the future. The VS Code project importer will update existing projects to use the new packages/headers.

  • Several packages moved from wpilibj to math: controller, estimator, geometry, kinematics, math, spline, system, trajectory
  • wpiutil.math was moved to math
  • wpiutil is now util
  • SlewRateLimiter, LinearFilter, and MedianFilter now live in math.filters, along with the newly-added Debouncer.
  • Timer has moved from frc2 to frc
  • Motor controllers (VictorSPX, PWMSparkMax, etc) have been moved to a motorcontrol package.
  • edu.wpi.cscore has moved to edu.wpi.first.cscore


  • Uses multi-file json save formats instead of ini and supports loading/saving the workspace; when started from the VS Code tool menu, these default to using the project directory for saving rather than the system-global location


  • Add widget for Field2d
  • Add icons to widget layouts
  • Add titles for widgets
  • Show exit save prompt only if not saved
  • Use system menubar
  • Add tab clear confirmation
  • Save widget titles display mode preference
  • Fix: CameraServer streams
  • Fix: Shuffleboard not starting on Windows N. Media Feature Pack is still needed for camera support.


  • No new changes


  • Uses multi-file json save formats instead of ini and supports loading/saving the workspace; when started from the VS Code tool menu, these default to using the project directory for saving rather than the system-global location


We have made a new tool for machine learning in the FIRST Robotics Competition. Axon allows users to view and create datasets, train machine learning models, test your models within the browser-based GUI, and export them for use on a Raspberry Pi. Detecting complex objects (such as hatch panels and other robots) has never been easier and an end-to-end user guide is available in the :doc:`WPILib docs </docs/software/wpilib-tools/axon/index>`. Axon provides the functionality to train machine learning models to recognize any object you want (defined in a homemade dataset), or generic objects such as cats, airplanes, and hot dogs.

Axon is a replacement for the previous AWS-based Jupyter Notebook solution released in the 2019 season. Axon has a smooth installation and user experience overall, and a much more friendly GUI for beginners and experts alike.

Running machine learning models on the WPILib Raspberry Pi image has never been easier either; the new Python script for the Pi features time-synchronous NetworkTables data streaming, as well as a better quality live inference MJPEG stream.


  • No new changes


  • Gradle has been updated to version 7.3.2
  • Internals of GradleRIO have been updated to be easier to read, more maintainable and easier for advanced teams to modify.
  • Deployment is more customizable


  • The supported OpenCV version has been bumped to OpenCV4


OutlineViewer has been updated to be C++ based using the ImGui library. This makes OutlineViewer more maintainable and performant.


The Java version of OutlineViewer is discontinued and is no longer supported!

WPILib All in One Installer

  • Simplified installation choices
  • Visual Studio Code has been updated to 1.63.2
  • Updated Java and C++ language extensions
  • Fix Linux desktop icon permissions
  • Add year to tools shortcuts name
  • Handle issues with JDK running and UAC canceled

Visual Studio Code Extension


The project importer will only import 2020/2021 projects!

  • Project Importer has been updated for the 2022 season. The project importer will attempt update the imported code, but manual changes may still be necessary due to the complexity of the breaking changes this year.
  • Remove Eclipse Project Importer
  • Fix chcp not found warning during simulation on Windows
  • Add additional information to the project information command display



Due to project file changes, Robotbuilder will not import yaml save files from 2021 or earlier.

  • Update to compile with WPILib 2022 (remove RobotDrive and GearTooth), update PID Controllers, and pneumatics
  • Improve type detection to detect changes in certain C++ types that were not previously detected as changes
  • Add project setting to enable or disable desktop support
  • Fix Java export of DoubleSolenoid, RobotDrive4, MecanumDrive, and Killough drive to avoid extra local copy
  • Fix C++ export of ConditionalCommand
  • Don’t validate timeout parameters that are less than 0


:doc:`SysId </docs/software/pathplanning/system-identification/index>` is a fully featured system identification utility that supersedes frc-characterization. It features an easy-to-use interface, advanced graphing analytics, Romi integration and other cool features!.


frc-characterization is discontinued and is no longer supported!


  • A Romi Library has been created to contain several helper classes that are a part of the RomiReference example. Romi Vendordep.