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Webhook to Google Cloud Pubsub

This code has the simple mission of receiving a payload via HTTP 1.1 on any URL and place the content body in a pubsub topic. The Dockerfile will run the unit tests and generate the image that can be used in a Google Cloud Run instance.

The webhook will listen to any url path and HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, ...). As long that there's a body, the message will be sent to Pubsub. The content-type of the http message header will be added in the PubsubMessage attributes under the key content-type.

The service account associated with the service that runs the container will be checked for permission pubsub.topics.publish on the configured topic before it starts to listen to HTTP calls. If the container fails to start the webserver, please check the logs because this is a possible reason of the container failing to start.

A small functionality of IP or DNS whitelisting is implemented. Please check IP_WHITELIST and DNS_WHITELIST in the expected environment variables below. In case that none of these environment variables is specified, all IP's are accepted. This feature might be usefull if you want to deploy a simple Google Cloud Run endpoint without having to setup additional layers to restrict the access at IP level. IP ranges are not implemented.

Expected environment variables

Environment Variable Mandatory Default Description
DEFAULT_RESPONSE No "OK" string reponse that will be sent as response body on success(200) call of the webhook
PROJECT_ID Yes ProjectId of the Google Cloud project that the destination Pubsub is in
TOPIC_ID Yes TopicId of the destination pubsub topic. Internally, with the PROJECT_ID and TOPIC_ID, the topic name will be composed
IP_WHITELIST No IP's to whitelist. If IP_WHITELIST nor DNS_WHITELIST are specified, all IP's will be accepted. Example: or;
DNS_WHITELIST No DNS URL to whitelist. If IP_WHITELIST nor DNS_WHITELIST are specified, all IP's will be accepted. Example: The option of multiple DNS URL's is not implemented.
DNS_WHITELIST_REFRESH_MINUTES No Number value with the number of minutes that the dns URL defined in DNS_WHITELIST should be checked for IP's to whitelist. Minimum is 1, recomended is 60.

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