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Damnae edited this page Jul 17, 2021 · 6 revisions

Minimal configuration

The Spectrum effect needs a sprite to use to draw its bars. For this you have to configure its SpritePath field.

You may also want to adjust the StartTime and EndTime, as by default it will do the first 10 seconds of the song.

Configurable fields

StartTime / EndTime

The period of time during which the spectrum will be visible.


Where the left side of the spectrum is.


The width of the entire spectrum.


How often bar size will be updated to match the song. For example, 1 will update them every beat, 2 will update them every half beat, 4 will update them every fourth of a beat, etc.


How many bars the spectrum is composed of.


The image to use for the spectrum's bars.


The point of the sprite from which it is scaled from.


The scale of the bars, where 1 is the normal size, 2 is double the size, 0.5 is half the size, etc.


Scales the bars using a log10 function. Increasing this value will make smaller bars more visible. You may have to adjust the Scale after changing this.


Simplifies bar animation by removing commands that are closer than this value.

Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm

The purpose is to increase performance and reduce osb size.


How many decimals used when writing scale commands to the osb. The purpose is to reduce osb size.


The minimal size of bars.


Changes how the spectrum data is distributed between bars. The default setting will focus the spectrum on the more interesting part of the spectrum data.