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Seagulls Todo



Prerequisite JavaScript Concepts

Clone & Install

# clone it
git clone gulls-todo && cd $_

# OPTIONAL: open vscode from terminal
code .

# install
yarn install

# run
yarn dev

Let's do it

  • Make a form that has a text input and submit button
    • React controlled input (example is using class components). Please use function components & useState
    • Add an onSubmit function to the form (console.log the value for now)
    • Style it
  • Data Structure
    • The todo list will be an array
    • Each item in in the todo list will include: ID, created date, completed, todo description
      • Each item needs a unique id. Since the list is constantly changing using the array index as a key isn’t plausible. React keys
      • Use function inside of app/util/generateID to generate IDs
  • Add a todo item
    • Why reducer?
    • Reducer demo from react docs
    • Setup reducer function, useReducer, and initial reducer state. Initial state should probably be null.
    • Add a new case to the reducer function called “add”. This should return an array of objects (aka a list of todos).
    • Update form submit use the dispatch function for “add”
    • If adding multiple todos do the old events persist or do they get overwritten? If they get overwritten don’t forget about the previous state in your “add” function. Hint: use array spread.
  • Output the list
    • Map through the list of items
      • Hint: Can’t map through a list that doesn’t exist
    • Add the complete toggle (checkbox) and remove button
    • Style it
  • Add a new case to the reducer to “remove” or “delete” an item
    • Hint: Need to remove and item from an array
    • Use the dispatch function on click of the delete button
  • Add another new case to the reducer to “complete” an item
  • Save & retrieve using localStorage
    • useEffect - runs on mount and every time one of its dependencies change
    • Save todos (from state) in localStorage if they exist
    • If they don’t exist try to retrieve them from local storage
      • Once retrieved use the dispatch function to initialize the retrieved values (or an empty array if no values were retrieved)
  • Set up the Remove Completed button in the nav
  • Optional: loading & empty states


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