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DanGrayson committed Jun 24, 2011
1 parent b3bc01c commit 62810c3
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Showing 6 changed files with 36 additions and 35 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Main_Library/Generalities/uu1uu0.v
Expand Up @@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ assert (s: uu1.isofhlevel n (paths _ x x')). apply (IHn _ (X0 x x')). apply (uu1

Coercion u0isofhleveltou1isofhlevel: isofhlevel >-> uu1.isofhlevel.

Definition u0isaproptou1isaprop (X : UU0) := u0isofhleveltou1isofhlevel (S O) X : isaprop X -> uu1.isaprop X.
Definition u0isaproptou1isaprop (X : UU0) := u0isofhleveltou1isofhlevel 1 X : isaprop X -> uu1.isaprop X.
Coercion u0isaproptou1isaprop : isaprop >-> uu1.isaprop.

Definition u1isaproptou0isaprop (X : UU0) := u1isofhleveltou0isofhlevel (S O) X : uu1.isaprop X -> isaprop X.
Definition u1isaproptou0isaprop (X : UU0) := u1isofhleveltou0isofhlevel 1 X : uu1.isaprop X -> isaprop X.
Coercion u1isaproptou0isaprop : uu1.isaprop >-> isaprop.

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Main_Library/hlevel1/hProp.v
Expand Up @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ Definition hfalse : hProp := hProppair empty isapropempty.
Canonical Structure hfalse.

Definition hconj (P Q : hProp) : hProp := hProppair (dirprod P Q) (isofhleveldirprod (S O) _ _ (uu1.pr22 _ _ P) (uu1.pr22 _ _ Q)).
Definition hconj (P Q : hProp) : hProp := hProppair (dirprod P Q) (isofhleveldirprod 1 _ _ (uu1.pr22 _ _ P) (uu1.pr22 _ _ Q)).
Canonical Structure hconj.

Definition uu1hdisj (P Q : hProp) := ishinh (coprod P Q).
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Main_Library/hlevel1/hProp_up.v
Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ set (is2:= uu1.gradth _ _ _ _ egf efg).
apply ( uu1.isweqtotaltofib _ P1 P2 (fun XY: uu1.dirprod hProp hProp => (match XY with uu1.tpair X Y => eqweqmaphProp X Y end)) is2 ( uu1.dirprodpair _ _ P P')). Defined.

Corollary uu1isasethProp : uu1.isaset hProp.
Proof. unfold isaset. simpl. intro. intro. apply (uu1.isofhlevelweqb (S O) _ _ _ (univfromtwoaxiomshProp x x') (uu1.isapropweq x x' (uu1.pr22 _ _ x'))). Defined.
Proof. unfold isaset. simpl. intro. intro. apply (uu1.isofhlevelweqb 1 _ _ _ (univfromtwoaxiomshProp x x') (uu1.isapropweq x x' (uu1.pr22 _ _ x'))). Defined.

Expand Down
32 changes: 16 additions & 16 deletions Main_Library/hlevel2/finite_sets.v
Expand Up @@ -120,14 +120,14 @@ Proof. intros X X0. apply (hinhpr _ (weqinv _ _ (weqpair _ _ _ (isweqtoempty _ X
Corollary isof0elempty: isofnel O empty.
Proof. apply (isof0elb empty (fun x:_ => x)). Defined.

Lemma isof1ela (X:UU0): isofnel (S O) X -> iscontr X.
Proof. intros X X0. apply (isofnelimpl (S O) X X0 (iscontr_hprop X)). set (w2:= (weqinv _ _ (weqfromcoprodwithempty unit))). intro X1. set (w3:= weqcomp _ _ _ w2 X1). apply (iscontrifweqtounit _ (weqinv _ _ w3)). assumption. Defined.
Lemma isof1ela (X:UU0): isofnel 1 X -> iscontr X.
Proof. intros X X0. apply (isofnelimpl 1 X X0 (iscontr_hprop X)). set (w2:= (weqinv _ _ (weqfromcoprodwithempty unit))). intro X1. set (w3:= weqcomp _ _ _ w2 X1). apply (iscontrifweqtounit _ (weqinv _ _ w3)). assumption. Defined.

Lemma isof1elb (X:UU0): (iscontr X) -> isofnel (S O) X.
Lemma isof1elb (X:UU0): (iscontr X) -> isofnel 1 X.
Proof. intros X X0. set (w1:= weqpair _ _ _ (isweqcontrtounit _ X0)). set (w2:= weqfromcoprodwithempty unit). set (w:= weqcomp _ _ _ w2 (weqinv _ _ w1)). apply (hinhpr _ w). Defined.

Lemma isof1elunit: isofnel (S O) unit.
Lemma isof1elunit: isofnel 1 unit.
Proof. apply (hinhpr _ (weqfromcoprodwithempty unit)). Defined.

Expand All @@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ Lemma isofnelweqf (n:nat)(X Y:UU0)(f:X -> Y)(is: isweq _ _ f): isofnel n X -> is
Proof. intros n X Y f is X0. set (ff:= fun u:weq (stn n) X => weqcomp _ _ _ u (weqpair _ _ f is)). apply (hinhfunct _ _ ff X0). Defined.

Lemma isof2elbool : isofnel (S (S O)) bool.
Proof. apply (isofnelweqf _ _ _ _ (pr22 _ _ boolascoprod) (isofsnel (S O) unit isof1elunit)). Defined.
Lemma isof2elbool : isofnel 2 bool.
Proof. apply (isofnelweqf _ _ _ _ (pr22 _ _ boolascoprod) (isofsnel 1 unit isof1elunit)). Defined.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ Defined.

Definition weqtoinitintervalsn (n:nat) : weq (coprod (initinterval n) unit) (initinterval (S n)).
Proof. intro. set (f:= toinitintervalsn n). set (g:= frominitintervalsn n). split with f.
set (u:= coprodf _ _ _ _ (initintervaltonat n) (fun t:unit => t)). assert (is: isincl _ _ u). apply (isofhlevelfcoprodf (S O) _ _ _ _ _ _ (isinclinitintervaltonat n) (isofhlevelfweq (S O) _ _ _ (idisweq unit))).
set (u:= coprodf _ _ _ _ (initintervaltonat n) (fun t:unit => t)). assert (is: isincl _ _ u). apply (isofhlevelfcoprodf 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ (isinclinitintervaltonat n) (isofhlevelfweq 1 _ _ _ (idisweq unit))).
assert (egf: forall x:_, paths _ (g (f x)) x). intro.
assert (egf0: paths _ (u (g (f x))) (u x)). destruct x. simpl. destruct i as [ t x ]. destruct t. simpl. apply idpath. simpl. destruct (isdeceqnat n t). simpl. induction p. apply (initmap _ (neglebsnn t x)). simpl. apply idpath. destruct u0. destruct n. apply idpath. simpl. destruct (isdeceqnat n n) as [|e]. apply idpath. apply (initmap _ (e (idpath _ _))). apply (invmaponpathsincl _ _ _ is _ _ egf0).
assert (efg: forall x:_, paths _ (f (g x)) x). intro.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ Proof.
assert (c1: decidable (paths _ t t0)).
apply isdeceqnat.
destruct c1.
apply (invmaponpathsincl (isfinite0 X) nat (pr21 _ _) (isofhlevelfpr21 (S O) _ _ (fun n:nat => isapropdneg (weq (stn n) X))) (tpair nat (fun n : nat => isofnel0 n X) t x0) (tpair nat (fun n : nat => isofnel0 n X) t0 x) p).
apply (invmaponpathsincl (isfinite0 X) nat (pr21 _ _) (isofhlevelfpr21 1 _ _ (fun n:nat => isapropdneg (weq (stn n) X))) (tpair nat (fun n : nat => isofnel0 n X) t x0) (tpair nat (fun n : nat => isofnel0 n X) t0 x) p).
assert (is1: dneg (dirprod (weq (stn t0) X) (weq (stn t) X))).
apply (dneganddnegimpldneg _ _ x x0).
assert (is2: dneg (weq (stn t0) (stn t))).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,10 +302,10 @@ Definition isfinitestn (n:nat): isfinite (stn n) := hinhpr _ (finitestructstn n)
Definition finitestructempty := finitestructpair _ O (idweq _).
Definition isfiniteempty : isfinite empty := hinhpr _ finitestructempty.

Definition finitestructunit: finitestruct unit := finitestructpair _ (S O) (weqfromcoprodwithempty unit).
Definition finitestructunit: finitestruct unit := finitestructpair _ 1 (weqfromcoprodwithempty unit).
Definition isfiniteunit : isfinite unit := hinhpr _ finitestructunit.

Definition finitestructbool := finitestructpair _ (S (S O)) (weqcomp _ _ _ (weqcoprodf _ _ _ _ (weqfromcoprodwithempty unit) (idweq unit)) boolascoprod).
Definition finitestructbool := finitestructpair _ 2 (weqcomp _ _ _ (weqcoprodf _ _ _ _ (weqfromcoprodwithempty unit) (idweq unit)) boolascoprod).
Definition isfinitebool : isfinite bool := hinhpr _ finitestructbool.

Definition finitestructinitinterval (n:nat) := finitestructpair _ (S n) (weqstntoinitinterval n).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ Proof. intros. *)

(*Eval compute in carddneg _ (isfinitedirprod _ _ (isfinitestn (S (S (S (S O))))) (isfinitestn (S (S (S O))))).*)
(*Eval compute in carddneg _ (isfinitedirprod _ _ (isfinitestn 4) (isfinitestn 3)).*)

Eval compute in carddneg _ (isfiniteempty).

Expand All @@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ Eval compute in carddneg _ (isfinitedirprod _ _ isfinitebool isfinitebool).

Eval compute in carddneg _ (isfinitedirprod _ _ isfinitebool (isfinitedirprod _ _ isfinitebool isfinitebool)).

Eval compute in carddneg _ (isfinitecoprod _ _ (isfinitebool) (isfinitecomplement _ (ii1 _ _ (ii2 _ _ tt)) (isfinitestn (S (S (S O)))))).
Eval compute in carddneg _ (isfinitecoprod _ _ (isfinitebool) (isfinitecomplement _ (ii1 _ _ (ii2 _ _ tt)) (isfinitestn 3))).

Eval lazy in carddneg _ (isfinitecomplement _ (ii1 _ _ tt) (isfinitecoprod _ _ (isfiniteunit) (isfinitebool))).

Expand All @@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ Eval lazy in carddneg _ (isfinitecomplement _ (ii1 _ _ tt) (isfinitecoprod _ _ (
(*Eval compute in carddneg _ (isfinitecomplement _ (dirprodpair _ _ tt tt) (isfinitedirprod _ _ isfiniteunit isfiniteunit)).*)

(*Definition finitestructunit: finitestruct unit := finitestructpair _ (S O) (weqfromcoprodwithempty unit).*)
(*Definition finitestructunit: finitestruct unit := finitestructpair _ 1 (weqfromcoprodwithempty unit).*)

Eval lazy in (pr21 _ _ (finitestructcomplement _ (dirprodpair _ _ tt tt) (finitestructdirprod _ _ (finitestructunit) (finitestructunit)))).

Expand All @@ -483,16 +483,16 @@ Eval lazy in carddneg _ (isfinitecomplement _ (dirprodpair _ _ true (dirprodpair

Eval compute in (pr21 _ _ (isfinitedirprod _ _ (isfinitestn (S (S (S (S O))))) (isfinitestn (S (S (S O)))))).
Eval compute in (pr21 _ _ (isfinitedirprod _ _ (isfinitestn 4) (isfinitestn 3))).
Print empty_rect.
Lemma isof1elfrom0el (X Y:UU0): isofnel O X -> isofnel (S O) (X -> Y).
Lemma isof1elfrom0el (X Y:UU0): isofnel O X -> isofnel 1 (X -> Y).
Proof. intros. unfold isofnel. intro. simpl.
Theorem isfinitefunctions (X Y:UU0)(isx: isfinite X)(isy: isfinite Y): isfinite (X -> Y).
Proof. intros. destruct isx. generalize Y isy X x. clear isy Y x X. induction t. intros. split with (S O).
Proof. intros. destruct isx. generalize Y isy X x. clear isy Y x X. induction t. intros. split with 1.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Main_Library/hlevel2/set_quotients_r_up.v
Expand Up @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ set (r1:= pr21 _ _ (pr22 _ _ is)). unfold issymm in r1.
set (ax := is1 x x' a). set (ax' := is1 x' x (r1 _ _ a)).
set (f:= fun u: R x t => (r1 _ _ (ax (r1 _ _ u)))). set (g:= fun u: R x' t => (r1 _ _ (ax' (r1 _ _ u)))).
apply (uahp _ _ f g).
set (is2:= isofhlevelfpr21 (S O) _ _ (fun A: hsubtypes X => (isapropiseqclass X R A))).
set (is2:= isofhlevelfpr21 1 _ _ (fun A: hsubtypes X => (isapropiseqclass X R A))).
apply (invmaponpathsincl _ _ _ is2 _ _ e). Defined. (* Uses univalence for hProp *)

Expand Down
29 changes: 15 additions & 14 deletions Makefile
Expand Up @@ -2,20 +2,20 @@
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