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Python package and utilities to access the Ecwid REST API


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Python wrapper for Ecwid REST API


  1. API token and Store ID from Ecwid CP Apps -> My Apps
  2. Python 3
  3. Requests


$ python -m pip install pyecwid


BREAKING: Major changes (when 0.1.x released)

  • Broke up the different endpoints (Customers, Orders, Products, etc) into different classes that accept the EcwidAPI (or EcwidAPIMock) object.
  • Added Mixins that can be used to quickly implement new Endpoints without duplicating code.
  • Added an Ecwid class that contains properties with each endpoint initialised.
  • Some methods have changed names.


  • Reimplement product_variations and other mixins for subobjects of items.

Implemented Features

  • Standard possible commands for endpoints:
    • add({item}) - add item (dict)

    • delete(id) - remove item

    • get_by_id(id) - get item details (returns a single {item})

    • update(id, {values}) - update item with values (dict)

    • Getting multiple items: Will deal with pagination and return a list of "items" node.
      Optional: pass "collate_items=False" to any of these commands and full results will be returned. Note - pagination will not be handled automatically. Useful to find total counts etc.

      • get() - get all items
      • get_by_keyword('keyword') - search for items by keyword
      • get_by_params({params}) - search for items by paramaters (dict)
Endpoint Status Standard commands Extra commands
Coupons alpha - currently unable to test add, delete, get, get_by_id, get_by_params, update
Customers alpha - currently unable to test add, delete, get, get_by_id, get_by_keyword, update get_by_email, get_by_name
Orders alpha - currently unable to test add, delete, get, get_by_id, get_by_params, update
Products working add, delete, get, get_by_id, get_by_keyword, get_by_params, update
ProductTypes (classes) working add, delete, get, get_by_id, update

Simple Initialisation

from pyecwid import Ecwid
ecwid = Ecwid(api_token, store_id)

EcwidAPI Arguments

Argument Required Description Default Value
api_token Yes The secret_ or public_ token for your store.
store_id Yes The ID of your store.
skip_test No True/False. Skips test call to API during initiaization (used in tests) False
base_url No Replace the hard coded URL
Note: format includes {0} for store_id

Sample: Search products and pprint

from pprint import pprint
from pyecwid import Ecwid

ecwid = Ecwid('public_ASDF', '1234567')

# Search by Keyword
items = ecwid.products.get_by_keyword('sunglasses')

# Search by Paramaters
params = { 'createdFrom': '2016-04-25', 'createdTo': '2020-12-25' }
items = ecwid.products.get_by_params(params)

# Get all products and use lambda function to search results
items = ecwid.products.get()
usb_list = list(filter(lambda items: 'USB' in items.get('name'), items))

Sample: Add item (remove first if it exists) then modify details.

from pyecwid import Ecwid
import json, time

ecwid = Ecwid('public_ASDF', '1234567')

# Import an item from JSON file
with open('./samplejson/product.json') as json_file:
    new_product = json.load(json_file)

# Check if item already exists.  If so remove.
product_search = ecwid.products.get_by_keyword(new_product['sku'])
if len(product_search) > 0:
    exisiting_item_id = product_search[0]['id']
    result = ecwid.products.delete(exisiting_item_id)
    if result == 1:
        print("Existing item removed")

new_item_id = ecwid.products.add(new_product)

updated_data = {'name': 'My New Product'}

result = ecwid.products.update(new_item_id, updated_data)

Sample: Just importing required endpoints

from pyecwid import EcwidAPI
from pyecwid.endpoints import Products

API_TOKEN = 'secret_ASDF'
API_STORE = '1234567'

products = Products(ecwid)

results = products.get()

Debugging: Use EcwidAPIMock for console logging calls.

from pyecwid import EcwidMock

ecwid = EcwidMock(API_TOKEN, API_STORE)
result = ecwid.products.get()


from pyecwid import EcwidAPIMock
from pyecwid.endpoints import Products

ecwid = EcwidAPIMock(API_TOKEN, API_STORE)
products = Products(ecwid)

results = products.get()