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Laravel OTP Manager

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The OtpManager class is responsible for sending and verifying one-time passwords (OTPs). It provides a comprehensive set of methods to generate, send, verify, and manage OTPs. It also integrates with Laravel cache system to throttle OTP sending and provides a layer of security by tracking OTP requests.


  • Generate OTP codes
  • Send OTPs via mobile numbers
  • Resend OTPs with built-in throttling
  • Verify OTP codes
  • Supports multiple types of OTPs (e.g., login, reset password)


To install the package, you can run the following command:

composer require salehhashemi/laravel-otp-manager


Create an instance of OtpManager:

$otpManager = new \Salehhashemi\OtpManager\OtpManager();

Sending OTP

$sentOtp = $otpManager->send("1234567890");

Resending OTP

The sendAndRetryCheck method will throw a ValidationException if you try to resend the OTP before the waiting time expires.

$sentOtp = $otpManager->sendAndRetryCheck("1234567890");

Verifying OTP

$isVerified = $otpManager->verify("1234567890", 123456, "uuid-string");

Deleting Verification Code

$isDeleted = $otpManager->deleteVerifyCode("1234567890");

Handling and Listening to the OtpPrepared Event

The OtpManager package emits an OtpPrepared event whenever a new OTP is generated. You can listen to this event and execute custom logic, such as sending the OTP via SMS or email.

Here's how to set up an event listener:

Step 1: Register the Event and Listener

First, you need to register the OtpPrepared event and its corresponding listener. Open your EventServiceProvider file, usually located at app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php, and add the event and listener to the $listen array.

protected $listen = [
    \Salehhashemi\OtpManager\Events\OtpPrepared::class => [

Step 2: Create the Listener

If the listener does not exist, you can generate it using the following Artisan command:

php artisan make:listener SendOtpNotification

Step 3: Implement the Listener

Now open the generated SendOtpNotification listener file, typically located at app/Listeners/. You'll see a handle method, where you can add your custom logic for sending the OTP.

Here's a sample implementation:

use Salehhashemi\OtpManager\Events\OtpPrepared;

class SendOtpNotification
    public function handle(OtpPrepared $event)
        $mobile = $event->mobile;
        $otpCode = $event->code;

        // Send the OTP code to the mobile number
        // You can use your preferred SMS service here.

Step 4: Test the Event Listener

Once you've set up the listener, generate a new OTP through the OtpManager package to make sure the OtpPrepared event is being caught and the corresponding listener logic is being executed.

That's it! You've successfully set up an event listener for the OtpPrepared event in the OtpManager package.

Using Enums for OTP Types

You can take advantage of enums to define your OTP types. Enums provide a more expressive way to manage different categories of OTPs.

How to Define an OTP Enum

use Salehhashemi\OtpManager\Contracts\OtpTypeInterface;

enum MyOtpEnum: string implements OtpTypeInterface
    case SIGNUP = 'signup';
    case RESET_PASSWORD = 'reset_password';

    public function identifier(): string
        return $this->value;


After defining your enum, you can use it just like any other OTP type:

$otpManager->send('1234567890', MyOtpEnum::SIGNUP);
$otpManager->verify('1234567890', $otpCode, $trackingCode, MyOtpEnum::SIGNUP);


To publish the config file, run the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Salehhashemi\OtpManager\OtpManagerServiceProvider" --tag="config"

To publish the language files, run:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Salehhashemi\OtpManager\OtpManagerServiceProvider" --tag="lang"

After publishing, make sure to clear the config cache to apply your changes:

php artisan config:clear

Then, you can adjust the waiting_time, code_min, and code_max in the config/otp.php

Custom Mobile Number Validation

The package comes with a default mobile number validator, but you can easily use your own.

Here's how you can do it:

  1. Create a Custom Validator Class First, create a class that implements MobileValidatorInterface. This interface expects you to define a validate method.
    use Salehhashemi\OtpManager\Contracts\MobileValidatorInterface;
    class CustomMobileValidator implements MobileValidatorInterface
        public function validate(string $mobile): void
            // Your validation logic here
  2. Update Configuration Next, open your OTP configuration file and update the mobile_validation_class option to use your custom validator class:
    'mobile_validation_class' => CustomMobileValidator::class,


  • \InvalidArgumentException will be thrown if the mobile number is empty.
  • \Exception will be thrown for general exceptions, like OTP generation failures.
  • \Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException will be thrown for throttle restrictions.

Docker Setup

This project uses Docker for local development and testing. Make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system before proceeding.

Build the Docker images

docker-compose build

Start the services

docker-compose up -d

To access the PHP container, you can use:

docker-compose exec php bash


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


Generate, send, verify, and manage one-time passwords for Laravel







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  • PHP 97.9%
  • Dockerfile 2.1%