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Custom Business Rule + sample application for retrieving report data as an html table to send it via mail.

Custom Business Rule for retrieving report data


Beta version, needs more testing but works quite well.


  1. An InternalError: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. may be thrown if:
    • The user does not have permissions for the (private) view / the view does not exist
    • Some fields/calculated fields will cause this error, when the report data is retrieved using the API. This needs more testing to identify the problems.
    • For some reason the default created columns cause an error, but a calculated field returning the value does work

If this error is throws you can verify that the error is caused by the API by using the OpenAPI interface at [Portal_address]/api

  1. The columns Step, Form and Workflow return the Id instead of the name. A workaround for this is to create a calculated field which just returns STP_Name,DTYPE_Name,WF_Name

Sample SQL statement executed for a report

The below statement is executed once a report is accessed. Calculated columns are named underscoreNumber (_##) and added to the statement.

exec sp_executesql N' SELECT * FROM (

CONVERT(varchar(20),WFD_ID) as WFD_ID_String,
ISNULL(TranslatesSteps.TRANS_Name,ISNULL(SecondaryTranslatesSteps.TRANS_Name,STP_Name)) as STP_Name,
    (select top 1 isnull(WFT_UserName,WFT_User) from dbo.WFElementTasks  where WFT_WFDID=WFD_ID and WFT_WFHID is null and WFT_Isfinished=0 and WFT_AssignTypeID in (1,2) and WFT_OrgID is null and WFT_User = @currentloginname),
    (select top 1 isnull(WFT_UserName,WFT_User) from dbo.WFElementTasks where WFT_WFDID=WFD_ID and WFT_WFHID is null and WFT_Isfinished=0 and WFT_AssignTypeID in (1,2) and WFT_OrgID is null order by isnull(WFT_UserName,WFT_User))
  ) as AssignedPerson,
dbo.ClearWFElemAdvLanguage(ISNULL(WFD_AttChoose16, ''''), ''en'') as WFD_AttChoose16,
dbo.ClearWFElemIDAdv(ISNULL(WFD_AttChoose16, '''')) as WFD_AttChoose16_ID,
ISNULL(WFD_AttChoose16, '''') as WFD_AttChoose16_BPS,
datediff(d,WFD_EnterToCurrentStepDate,dbo.GetDbDate()) as WFD_StepDuration,
ISNULL(WFD_AttText1, '''') as WFD_AttText1,
dbo.ClearWFElemAdv(ISNULL(WFD_AttChoose6, '''')) as WFD_AttChoose6,
dbo.ClearWFElemIDAdv(ISNULL(WFD_AttChoose6, '''')) as WFD_AttChoose6_ID,
ISNULL(WFD_AttChoose6, '''') as WFD_AttChoose6_BPS,
ISNULL(WFD_AttText3, '''') as WFD_AttText3,
dbo.ClearWFElemAdv(ISNULL(WFD_AttChoose7, '''')) as WFD_AttChoose7,
dbo.ClearWFElemIDAdv(ISNULL(WFD_AttChoose7, '''')) as WFD_AttChoose7_ID,
ISNULL(WFD_AttChoose7, '''') as WFD_AttChoose7_BPS,
dbo.ClearWFElemAdv(ISNULL(WFD_AttChoose2, '''')) as WFD_AttChoose2,
dbo.ClearWFElemIDAdv(ISNULL(WFD_AttChoose2, '''')) as WFD_AttChoose2_ID,
ISNULL(WFD_AttChoose2, '''') as WFD_AttChoose2_BPS,
STP_ID as WFD_Image,
ISNULL(TranslatesDoctypes.TRANS_Name,ISNULL(SecondaryTranslatesDoctypes.TRANS_Name,DTYPE_Name)) as DTYPE_Name,
ISNULL(TranslatesWorkflows.TRANS_Name,ISNULL(SecondaryTranslatesWorkflows.TRANS_Name,WF_Name)) as WF_Name,
CONVERT(varchar(16),WFD_TSInsert, 121) as WFD_TSInsert,
CONVERT(varchar(16),WFD_TSInsert, 121) as WFD_TSInsert_DateOnly,
WFD_TsInsert as _1 
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY WFD_ID DESC ) as RowNumber /*ROWNUMBER_END*/                        
FROM V_WFElements as wfelems
    LEFT JOIN Translates AS TranslatesSteps ON (STP_ID = TranslatesSteps.TRANS_ELEMID AND TranslatesSteps.TRANS_OBJID = 5 AND TranslatesSteps.TRANS_LANID = 10)
LEFT JOIN Translates AS SecondaryTranslatesSteps ON (STP_ID = SecondaryTranslatesSteps.TRANS_ELEMID AND SecondaryTranslatesSteps.TRANS_OBJID = 5 AND SecondaryTranslatesSteps.TRANS_LANID = 0)
LEFT JOIN Translates AS TranslatesWorkflows ON (WF_ID = TranslatesWorkflows.TRANS_ELEMID AND TranslatesWorkflows.TRANS_OBJID = 3 AND TranslatesWorkflows.TRANS_LANID = 10)
LEFT JOIN Translates AS SecondaryTranslatesWorkflows ON (WF_ID = SecondaryTranslatesWorkflows.TRANS_ELEMID AND SecondaryTranslatesWorkflows.TRANS_OBJID = 3 AND SecondaryTranslatesWorkflows.TRANS_LANID = 0)
LEFT JOIN Translates AS TranslatesDoctypes ON (DTYPE_ID = TranslatesDoctypes.TRANS_ELEMID AND TranslatesDoctypes.TRANS_OBJID = 13 AND TranslatesDoctypes.TRANS_LANID = 10)
LEFT JOIN Translates AS SecondaryTranslatesDoctypes ON (DTYPE_ID = SecondaryTranslatesDoctypes.TRANS_ELEMID AND SecondaryTranslatesDoctypes.TRANS_OBJID = 13 AND SecondaryTranslatesDoctypes.TRANS_LANID = 0)

 select wfd_id from WFElements JOIN WFDocTypes ON WFD_DTYPEID = DTYPE_ID JOIN WFSteps ON WFD_STPID = STP_ID 
  where WFD_DTYPEID in (69) and WFD_STPID in (171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,199,200,341,342,343,457,458) /*ADVANCEDINNERSEARCH*/ and WFD_IsFinish=0    AND (1=1 ) 


  ) AS Results WHERE RowNumber > @lowerBand AND RowNumber < @upperBand  ORDER BY WFD_ID DESC ',N'@currentloginname nvarchar(36),@lowerBand int,@upperBand int',@currentloginname=N'dummy',@lowerBand=0,@upperBand=51

Test project

I wanted to concentrate on testing, therefore the testing project reads a configuration file with the necessary information. Because of sensitive information this file is stored in the temp folder. Steps to create the file:

  1. Build the project
  2. Run the PowerShell script ReportSubscriptions\ReportSubscriptions.Test\WriteConfigurationFile.ps1 and provide the requested information.

Afterwards you can run the testing project.


State: alpha WEBCON BPS Version: 2021.1.2.136

The current application is an alpha version for testing the business rule. The configuration of the plugin requires the client id and secret of a registered application. See for more details. Plugin configuration

You can test the plugin by starting a workflow, provide a recipient some subject and the address to the report/view. The API supports also private views. Plugin configuration

A sample report and the received mail: Plugin configuration


CustomBusinessRule + sample application for retrieving report data as an html table to send it via mail







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