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Trigger function / add class when element is in & out of the viewport.


npm install op-inview
yarn add op-inview


import OpInview from 'op-inview';

To create a new inview instance:

const config = {
    el: document.querySelector('.inview')

const inview = OpInview.create(config);

It accepts a config object.

Type Name Default Value Description
Dom node el undefined (required) Dom element to track
Float start 0.2 Start position of inview trigger range, when scrolling the page down. Using opViewProgress to track elements progress in the viewport
Float end 0.8 End position of inview trigger range, when scrolling the page down.
String classEnter is-inview-enter Class to apply when inview node entered the trigger range. If set to null, class wont be triggered. Has a dublicate class applied with -top or -bottom modifier, depending on element appearance position.
String classExit is-inview-exit Same as above, but triggered on exit of range.
Boolean deactivate false If set to true will deactivate inview, when exited, thus allowing reenter. If set to false, will enter once, and remove itself
Function onEnterCallback undefined Function to be called on enter. Receives an object { value, direction }, where value is progress.value when function is called and direction = top or bottom, depending on element appearance position.
Function onExitCallback undefined Same as above, but called on exit

Enable inline

Enables inline html quick add. For when you just want to use basic add / remove inview class functionality.


Include in HTML. Use op-inview attribute, include JSON object with the config within. (No need to provide el)

<div op-inview='{"start": 0, "end": 1}'></div>


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