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            <div class="video-timestamp">1:30</div>
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                        Attack on Titan Season 2 - Official Opening Song - Shinzou wo Sasageyo by Linked Horizon
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                        ヨルシカ - 言って cover
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                        ENGLISH SPEECH | STEVE JOBS: Stanford Commencement (English Subtitles)
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                        JavaScript Pro Tips - Code This, NOT That
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                                    スパークル [original ver.] -Your name. Music Video edition- 予告編 from new album「人間開花」初回盤DVD
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          videoCode: "6kAvCSMkYEI",
          videoTitle: "The Last Intel Mac VS The Osborne Effect!",
          videoViews: "1.4M",
          videoTime: "4 days ago",
          videoLikes: "62K",
          videoDislikes: "1.1K",
          videoChannelPic: "",
          videoChannelName: "Marques Brownlee",
          videoChannelSubs: "11.8M",
          videoCommentNo: "4.4K",
          videoComment: "My grandmother has a Toshiba laptop that is 15 years old and she still calls it new."
  $("#vS2").on('click', function(e) {
          videoCode: "1zs4gqY0x5Y",
          videoTitle: "Tokyo Ghoul:re - re Cafe The Osborne Effect!",
          videoViews: "4.4M",
          videoTime: "2 years ago",
          videoLikes: "70K",
          videoDislikes: "785",
          videoChannelPic: "",
          videoChannelName: "animelab",
          videoChannelSubs: "978K",
          videoCommentNo: "4.3K",
          videoComment: "You can delete the memory but you can't delete the feeling"
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          videoCode: "n8vlEklS3gA",
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          videoTime: "4 days ago",
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          videoChannelName: "Slayy Point",
          videoChannelSubs: "2.46M",
          videoCommentNo: "296,624K",
          videoComment: "I was playing a game and in that three persons were named as Binod 😂😂"
  $("#vS4").on('click', function(e) {
          videoCode: "Q6iK6DjV_iE",
          videoTitle: "Weathering With You [Official Subtitled Trailer, GKIDS]",
          videoViews: "6.2M",
          videoTime: "1 year ago",
          videoLikes: "235K",
          videoDislikes: "1.2K",
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          videoChannelName: "GKIDS Films",
          videoChannelSubs: "87.9K",
          videoCommentNo: "11,516K",
          videoComment: "2016: Saving the city only for a girl.<br> 2019: Sinking the city only for a girl"
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          videoViews: "1.4M",
          videoTime: "1 week ago",
          videoLikes: "58K",
          videoDislikes: "1.5K",
          videoChannelPic: "",
          videoChannelName: "Dave Lee",
          videoChannelSubs: "2.91M",
          videoCommentNo: "5,698K",
          videoComment: "Plot twist: he's filming this on a pixel 4a"
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          videoTitle: "Attack on Titan Season 2 - Official Opening Song - Shinzou wo Sasageyo by Linked Horizon",
          videoViews: "74M",
          videoTime: "3 years ago",
          videoLikes: "778K",
          videoDislikes: "10K",
          videoChannelPic: "",
          videoChannelName: "animelab",
          videoChannelSubs: "978K",
          videoCommentNo: "44,784K",
          videoComment: "I feel so patriotic for a country that doesn't even exist listening to this"
  $("#vS7").on('click', function(e) {
          videoCode: "7aMOurgDB-o",
          videoTitle: "Tokyo Ghoul – Opening Theme – Unravel",
          videoViews: "30M",
          videoTime: "6 years ago",
          videoLikes: "360K",
          videoDislikes: "4.2K",
          videoChannelPic: "",
          videoChannelName: "Funimation",
          videoChannelSubs: "3.04M",
          videoCommentNo: "38,214K",
          videoComment: "This is a opening you do not skip"
  $("#vS8").on('click', function(e) {
          videoCode: "JC07VcLg0UE",
          videoTitle: "ヨルシカ - 言って cover",
          videoViews: "3.4M",
          videoTime: "1 year ago",
          videoLikes: "178K",
          videoDislikes: "836",
          videoChannelPic: "",
          videoChannelName: "163 braces",
          videoChannelSubs: "473K",
          videoCommentNo: "13,546K",
          videoComment: "Yt will definitely recommend this to everyone after 5 years or so"
  $("#vS9").on('click', function(e) {
          videoCode: "1i9kcBHX2Nw",
          videoTitle: "ENGLISH SPEECH | STEVE JOBS: Stanford Commencement (English Subtitles)",
          videoViews: "6.6M",
          videoTime: "3 years ago",
          videoLikes: "139K",
          videoDislikes: "2.7K",
          videoChannelPic: "",
          videoChannelName: "English Speeches",
          videoChannelSubs: "1.8M",
          videoCommentNo: "1850",
          videoComment: "When they said \"With big subtitles\" they weren't kidding..."

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          videoLikes: "63K",
          videoDislikes: "1K",
          videoChannelPic: "",
          videoChannelName: "Fireship",
          videoChannelSubs: "404K",
          videoCommentNo: "1874",
          videoComment: "That was wonderful, thank you <3"
  $("#vSa").on('click', function(e) {
          videoCode: "OqD8UT6NL_E",
          videoTitle: "Naruto Shippuden Opening 16『Silhouette",
          videoViews: "22M",
          videoTime: "5 years ago",
          videoLikes: "254K",
          videoDislikes: "5.1K",
          videoChannelPic: "",
          videoChannelName: "Naruto Sentsu",
          videoChannelSubs: "132K",
          videoCommentNo: "227,942",
          videoComment: "So many Naruto memories"
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  $("#vSb").on('click', function(e) {
          videoCode: "XOi2jFIhZhA",
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          videoTime: "2 years ago",
          videoLikes: "235K",
          videoDislikes: "1.9K",
          videoChannelPic: "",
          videoChannelName: "Big Bird Boi",
          videoChannelSubs: "3.62K",
          videoCommentNo: "12,739K",
          videoComment: "\"Kid's sketchy.\" Very mature way to handle a child, Weather Boy."
      $(".yt-main-2").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");
  $("#vSc").on('click', function(e) {
          videoCode: "Xj-4t3NiNOI",
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          videoTime: "1 week ago",
          videoLikes: "12K",
          videoDislikes: "60",
          videoChannelPic: "",
          videoChannelName: "Traversy Media",
          videoChannelSubs: "1.22M",
          videoCommentNo: "2,362K",
          videoComment: "This channel is always gonna be a rock for devs & aspiring devs. I'm sure you'll have huge support from all of us."
      $(".yt-main-2").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");
  $("#vSd").on('click', function(e) {
          videoCode: "a2GujJZfXpg",
          videoTitle: "スパークル [original ver.] -Your name. Music Video edition- 予告編 from new album「人間開花」初回盤DVD",
          videoViews: "102M",
          videoTime: "3 years ago",
          videoLikes: "1.2M",
          videoDislikes: "12K",
          videoChannelPic: "",
          videoChannelName: "radwimpsstaff",
          videoChannelSubs: "1.80M",
          videoCommentNo: "44,524K",
          videoComment: "This song makes me miss someone who doesn't exist."
      $(".yt-main-2").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");
  $("#vSe").on('click', function(e) {
          videoCode: "x7EWFoRzAkk",
          videoTitle: "Learn CSS Calc In 6 Minutes",
          videoViews: "17K",
          videoTime: "9 months ago",
          videoLikes: "1K",
          videoDislikes: "10",
          videoChannelPic: "",
          videoChannelName: "Web Dev Simplified",
          videoChannelSubs: "272K",
          videoCommentNo: "78",
          videoComment: "just love these kind of short videos make more such like these."
      $(".yt-main-2").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");
  $("#vSf").on('click', function(e) {
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          videoChannelPic: "",
          videoChannelName: "MelodyHype",
          videoChannelSubs: "11K",
          videoCommentNo: "MelodyHype",
          videoComment: "Your Name: save the city to get the girl.<br>Weathering With You: destroy the city to get the girl."
      $(".yt-main-2").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");
  // 2016: Saving the city only for a girl. 
  // 2019: Sinking the city only for a girl
  // Show Video Main Function
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      player.loadVideoById({videoId: arg.videoCode});
      $("#yvChannelPic").attr("src", arg.videoChannelPic);
      $("#yvChannelSubs").text(arg.videoChannelSubs + " subscribers");


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