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Daniel7400 edited this page Jul 9, 2024 · 13 revisions

1. How do I install the mod?

This mod has 2 hard dependencies, both of which must already be installed for this mod to work.

  1. Install REFramework.
  2. Install REFramework Direct2D.
  3. Download this mod from Nexus Mods.
  4. I personally recommend using Fluffy Mod Manager to manage the actual installation. If you choose to manually extract the files and install them yourself, refer to the next section in regards to the correct location of the mod.

2. How do I manually install the mod?

This is not recommended, but if you really want to manually install the files simply extract the contents into your game folder: .../MonsterHunterRise/

There should be no file conflicts besides maybe some font files, which you can ignore since they should be the same file.

3. What files are included with the mod? / Where are the files for this mod?

You can see the full tree of files that are included with the mod below.

 ┣ 📂autorun
 ┃ ┣📜bow_coating_notifier.lua
 ┃ ┗📂Bow_Coating_Notifier
 ┃   ┣📜config_manager.lua
 ┃   ┣📜constants.lua
 ┃   ┣📜draw_manager.lua
 ┃   ┣📜language_manager.lua
 ┃   ┣📜sdk_manager.lua
 ┃   ┣📜ui_manager.lua
 ┃   ┗📂extensions
 ┃     ┣📜d2d_extensions.lua
 ┃     ┣📜imgui_extensions.lua
 ┃     ┣📜math_extensions.lua
 ┃     ┣📜sdk_extensions.lua
 ┃     ┗📜table_extensions.lua
 ┣ 📂data
 ┃ ┗📂Bow_Coating_Notifier
 ┃   ┗📂languages
 ┃     ┣ 📜de-DE.json
 ┃     ┣ 📜el-GR.json
 ┃     ┣ 📜en-US.json
 ┃     ┣ 📜es-MX.json
 ┃     ┣ 📜fr-FR.json
 ┃     ┣ 📜ja-JP.json
 ┃     ┣ 📜ko-KR.json
 ┃     ┣ 📜pt-BR.json
 ┃     ┣ 📜ru-RU.json
 ┃     ┣ 📜th-TH.json
 ┃     ┣ 📜vi-VN.json
 ┃     ┗ 📜zh-CN.json
   ┣ 📜NotoSans-Bold.otf
   ┣ 📜NotoSansKR-Bold.otf
   ┣ 📜NotoSansSC-Bold.otf
   ┣ 📜NotoSansThai-Bold.otf
   ┗ 📜OFL.txt

4. Where is the config file located?

You can find the config file here: .../MonsterHunterRise/reframework/data/Bow_Coating_Notifier

5. Where are the language files located?

You can find the language files here: .../MonsterHunterRise/reframework/data/Bow_Coating_Notifier/languages

6. Where are the font files located?

You can find the font files here: .../MonsterHunterRise/reframework/fonts

7. Can I change the way the mod looks or behaves?

Yes! There are a bunch of options in the REFramework UI mod menu that can change the look of the mod as well as how it behaves. See more on the Configuration wiki page.

8. Can I change the text or translations?

Yes! This mod uses language resource files to load and display all the text in the menus and notifications. All languages other than English have been machine translated with Google Translate so it's very likely they not the best translations. See more on the Language wiki page.