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Build cloud-native Spring Boot/Cloud applications on Kubernetes


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  • kubernetes-config-cloud-starter

    The main purpose of this module is to use Kubernetes ConfigMap/Secret as a distributed configuration center to achieve dynamic configuration updates without restarting the application.



Maven users:


Gradle users:

implementation 'com.freemanan:kubernetes-config-cloud-starter:3.0.0'

Quick Start

First you need a Kubernetes cluster, you can use docker-desktop or minikube to create a cluster.

  1. Clone the project

    git clone --depth=1
    cd kubernetes-cloud-starter
  2. Create Role and RoleBinding for ServiceAccount

    # For the example, we created a ClusterRole, but in fact, you can control resources more finely, only need the get,list,watch permissions of ConfigMap/Secret
    kubectl create clusterrole config-cluster-reader --verb=get,list,watch --resource=configmaps,secrets
    # Bind ClusterRole to ServiceAccount (namespace: default, name: default)
    kubectl create clusterrolebinding config-cluster-reader-default-default --clusterrole config-cluster-reader --serviceaccount default:default
  3. Build and Start

    ./gradlew clean bootJar
    docker build -f examples/kubernetes-config/Dockerfile -t kubernetes-config:1.0.0 .
    kubectl apply -f examples/kubernetes-config/deployment.yaml
    # Execute the following command after the application startup, the startup process should be very fast (less than 3s)
    curl http://localhost:`kubectl get svc kubernetes-config -o jsonpath='{..nodePort}'`/price
    # You should see a response of `100`
  4. Add a ConfigMap

    # This ConfigMap is being monitored by the current application, so when this ConfigMap is added, the application will automatically update the configuration
    kubectl apply -f examples/kubernetes-config/configmap-example-01.yaml
    # Visit again
    curl http://localhost:`kubectl get svc kubernetes-config -o jsonpath='{..nodePort}'`/price
    # You should see a response of `200`

    You can modify the configuration in configmap-example-01.yaml, and then re-apply the file to observe the change of the interface result.

    Through the above operations, you can see that the application can dynamically update the configuration without restarting.

  5. Delete Resources

    # Delete all resources created by the above operations
    kubectl delete -f examples/kubernetes-config/deployment.yaml
    kubectl delete -f examples/kubernetes-config/configmap-example-01.yaml
    kubectl delete clusterrole config-cluster-reader
    kubectl delete clusterrolebinding config-cluster-reader-default-default

Main Features

  • Dynamic update configuration(ConfigMap/Secret)

    You can manually configure whether to monitor configuration file changes.

  • Configuration priority

    Through configuration, choose to use local configuration or remote configuration first.

  • Supports multiple configuration file formats

    Supports configuration files in yaml, properties, json and key-value pair.


      enabled: true # Whether to enable the config module function, the default is true
      namespace: default # The namespace where the configuration is located (global configuration). If it is inside the Kubernetes cluster, it defaults to the namespace where the current pod is located; if it is outside the Kubernetes cluster, it defaults to the namespace of the current context
      preference: remote # Configuration priority (global configuration), remote is preferred to use remote configuration, local is preferred to use local configuration, and the default is remote
      refresh-enabled: true # Whether to enable dynamic update configuration (global configuration), the default is true
      refresh-on-delete: false # Whether to automatically refresh when deleting the configuration, enabling this configuration may bring certain risks, if your configuration items only exist on the remote side but not locally, if you delete the configmap by mistake, it may cause abnormalities in the program, so the default value is false
        - name: my-configmap # configmap name
          namespace: default # The namespace where configmap is located will override the global configuration of the namespace
          preference: remote # Configuration priority, which will override the global configuration of preference
          refresh-enabled: true # Whether to enable dynamic update configuration, it will override the refresh-enabled global configuration
        - name: my-secret # secret name
          namespace: default # The namespace where the secret is located will override the global configuration of the namespace
          preference: remote # Configuration priority, which will override the global configuration of preference
          refresh-enabled: false # Whether to enable dynamic update configuration will override the global configuration of refresh-enabled, because secrets generally do not require dynamic refresh, so the default value is false

Best Practices

Spring Cloud provides the capability of dynamically refreshing the Environment at runtime, which mainly dynamically updates the properties of two types of beans:

  • Beans annotated with @ConfigurationProperties
  • Beans annotated with @RefreshScope

A good practice is to use @ConfigurationProperties to organize your configurations.

In general, the configuration of an application falls into two categories:

  • Basic configuration

    • public

      It can be managed through the configuration center or the jar package. Generally, there is no need for dynamic updates, such as Tomcat connection pool parameters, database connection pool parameters, etc.

    • private

      It can be placed in a local configuration file, such as database connection information. This type of configuration is generally sensitive and can be managed through Kubernetes Secret.

  • Business configuration

    This type of configuration should be strongly related to the business logic, but users need to judge whether they need to be placed in the configuration center and whether there is a need for dynamic updates.


Mainly maintains versions: 3.0.x, 2.6.x, 2.4.x

Branch Support Spring Boot Version Latest Version
main 3.0.x 3.0.0
2.6.x [2.6.0, 3.0.0) 2.6.2
2.4.x [2.4.0, 2.6.0) 2.4.2

Choose the corresponding version according to the version of Spring Boot you are using. For example, if you are using Spring Boot 2.4.x, then you can use any version of the 2.4.x branch, but please try to use the latest version.