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Cloudinary Fetcher running in Cloudflare Worker

This JavaScript script runs in a Cloudflare Workers environment and is used to fetch and format resources from Cloudinary, a digital asset management service.

webpage caption


  • fetch(request, env, ctx): This asynchronous function serves as the script's entry point. It retrieves the necessary environment variables for authenticating with Cloudinary and then calls the getAllResources(type) function to fetch all image and video resources. It formats these resources into HTML and returns an HTML response.
  • getAllResources(type): This asynchronous function retrieves all resources of a specific type (images or videos) from Cloudinary. It uses a do...while loop to make requests to the Cloudinary API until there are no more resources to fetch.
  • getNextCursor(responseData): This function returns the cursor for the next page in the API response or null if there's no next page cursor.
  • formatResources(resources, type): This function takes an array of resources and a resource type, returning an HTML string representing the resources.


To use this script, you'll need to configure the following environment variables:

  • CLOUD_NAME: Your Cloudinary cloud name.
  • API_KEY: Your Cloudinary API key.
  • API_SECRET: Your Cloudinary API secret.

Then, you can deploy this script on a Cloudflare Worker and make requests to it to get an HTML response with your formatted Cloudinary resources.

Response Example

The HTML response generated by this script will include sections for images and videos, each with corresponding resources formatted as article elements. Each resource will include a link to the resource in Cloudinary and, in the case of videos, playback controls.

Additionally, the response will include a link to return to the top of the page and a script to adjust the layout of the last row of resources if its length is odd.


JavaScript script for Cloudflare Workers that retrieves and formats resources from Cloudinary




