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Thermocheck App

A simple project that uses OpenCV to stream image data and perform facial recognition.

Please see for all current and future app features.

Building for Windows 10


Building for Windows:

  1. Navigate to Externals/opencv and open a Git Bash window. Input the following:


    You can have a coffee or two while this builds.

  2. Navigate to the root of the project and run the Generate_VS2019_Project.bat file. All VS2019 project files will be generated.

    • If you use VS2017, there is a project generator for it as well.
  3. Open the generated .sln file, choose your build configuration (Debug, Release or Distribution) and build using Ctrl + Shift+ B, or by navigating to Build > Build Solution.


To test in the VS2019 environment, simply click "Local Windows Debugger" at the top, or press F5 (Ctrl + F5 if you want to start without the debugger).

Building for Raspberry Pi 3


  • Latest version of Raspbian Stretch. For instructions on how to update your Raspberry Pi to Raspbian Stretch, follow this official guide.

  • Build essentials and developer tools:

    build-essential git cmake pkg-config
  • Developer image and video libraries:

    libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev libjasper-dev libdc1394-22-dev
    libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libv4l-dev
    libxvidcore-dev libx264-dev
  • GTK GUI backend:

    libgtk-3-dev libcanberra-gtk*
  • Numerical optimization libraries:

    libatlas-base-dev gfortran
  • USB device access:


NOTE: Running the script below with --install-dependencies will install and/or update these dependencies on your system automatically.

Recommended pre-build setup:

Before building it is STRONGLY recommended to do perform the following procedures. If you believe these are not necessary or you have already performed these procedures, skip to Building.

  • If you're using a brand-new install of Raspbian Stretch, expand your filesystem. Open a terminal window and type:

    $ sudo raspi-config

    Navigate to 7 Advanced Options, and select A1 Expand Filesystem. Once you've done this, reboot your Raspberry Pi:

    $ sudo reboot

    NOTE: On a NOOBS install of Raspbian, this step is already done for you.

  • If you don't need them, remove Wolfram and Libre Office from your system. This is especially useful on systems with low capacity SD cards. Removing these two programs will restore ~1 GB of space to your Raspberry Pi.

    $ sudo apt-get purge wolfram-engine
    $ sudo apt-get purge libreoffice*
    $ sudo apt-get clean
    $ sudo apt-get autoremove
  • Increase the swap. This procedure will create a swap file that is about 2x the size of your Raspberry Pi's RAM. Open a terminal and type:

    $ sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile

    Uncomment the following lines:


    Then comment the line:


    Press Ctrl + X to exit, Y to save changes, and Enter to confirm. Then in the terminal, type:

    $ sudo dphys-swapfile setup
    $ sudo dphys-swapfile swapon

    to restart the service and use the increased swap size.

Building for Raspberry Pi:

  1. Open a terminal window and input the following (<Thermocheck repo location> being the location where you cloned this repo to):

    $ cd <Thermocheck repo location>/Externals/opencv
    # --install-dependencies will install and/or upgrade all necessary dependencies automatically
    # Make sure to have sudo privileges if using this switch (the "pi" user should have this by default)
    $ ./ [--install-dependencies]

    You can have a coffee or two while this builds. Maybe even three. Or four. This will take a while.

  2. Navigate to the libuvc folder and run

    $ cd <Thermocheck repo location>/Externals/libuvc
    $ ./

    Make sure libusb-1.0-0-dev is installed before you run this, or else it won't work.

  3. Navigate to the root of the project and run the

    $ cd <Thermocheck repo location>
    $ ./

    This will generate all the necessary Makefiles for the project

  4. Build the project (using GCC):

    $ make -j3 -k                        # For debug builds
    $ make config=release -j3 -k         # For release builds
    $ make config=distribution -j3 -k    # For distribution builds


Navigate to Thermocheck/Build/bin/ARM/{config} and run the Thermocheck executable.

Current build

ImGui window with options, log, and video feed viewer.


Simple video decoder and face detector using OpenCV






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