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Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift

This paper introduces Batch Normalization, a technique that by now has grown wildly popular and is, I think, a standard feature of any state of the art network (though I'm not totally sure, have to check on that). I won't spend too much time writing up notes because I coded it in the Stanford CS 231n assignments; that's the best way to learn about batch normalization. I'm never sure I get what the dimensions of the inputs are in this paper. It's easier to understand in code. In CS 231n, batch normalization is applied before each ReLU.

However, here are the highlights on what batch normalization means and why we like it:

  • Batch normalization tries to ensure that the input distribution to each layer (technically, each nonlinearity) is the same. That is, each scalar-value feature should be standardized to mean 0 and variance 1. Why is this useful? Because if not, deep networks are designed so that small changes early have large changes later, hence input distributions may differ substantially from minibatch to minibatch, and the weights have to "adjust" to that (or suffer from vanishing gradients). The authors call this Internal Covariate Shift.

  • Batch normalization adds extra scale and shifting parameters to allow the identity transformation to be represented. This means batch normalization does not "constrain" the network. Anything that the non-batch normalized network can represent, so can the batch normalized version. To be clear, think about the 1-D case with a sigmoid. If our minibatch of data x1,...,xn (all scalar-valued) are normalized, then the sigmoid layer will often represent stuff in its "linear" regime and not in its extremes (and sometimes those extremes are needed!). Here's what CS 231n says:

    It is possible that this normalization strategy could reduce the representational power of the network, since it may sometimes be optimal for certain layers to have features that are not zero-mean or unit variance. To this end, the batch normalization layer includes learnable shift and scale parameters for each feature dimension.

  • It's better than previous methods (e.g. whitening each layer) because it's relatively cheap (no need to compute O(n^2) matrices) and it works seamlessly with backpropagation. That's the key; everything must be differentiable, and backpropagation must know that it is computing gradients of features that are defined to be normalized.

  • During training, minibatch statistics (i.e. mean and variance) are estimated via a moving average, but during inference (i.e. test-time application) it's best to have the statistics be the same, so compute it from the whole training data. This makes sense, we need determinism (modulo the training data). Alternatively, after training, we have our minibatch statistics. Thus, we could just use those final estimates and fix them.

The paper argues convincingly with better results. On MNIST, their LeNet version with BN outperforms the default, and they improve upon the best ImageNet results (from He et al). They also show that sigmoids can be used, and that other regularization tactics such as DropOut are not necessary. There are other techniques one can use to gain more out of batch normalization, such as using higher learning rates.

TODO: I really need to go through the derivatives again to make sure I understand them. This helps me to know why everything is trainable. Then I'll check this and this.