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Vessel is a secure treasury management solution for DAOs, communities, and squads on Flow. Store your assets safely, manage transactions collaboratively, and keep track of value over time.


If you plan to use the app on Flow's testnet, you may want to seed your account with FLOW tokens here.


yarn install

Multi-Sig Documentation


Audit Status: Initial Audit Findings Addressed


Contract containing the Treasury resource. A Treasury can hold Fungible Token Vault resources, and Non-Fungible Token Collection resources.

Anyone may deposit a Vault or Collection resource into the Treasury. Additionally, anyone may deposit fungible/non-fungible tokens into their respective vault/collection held in the Treasury.

A Treasury is initialized with a list of Flow addresses, which constitute the signers on the Treasury. It is also initialized with an initial threshold, which constitutes the number of signatures needed to execute an MyMultiSig.Action against the Treasury.

Anyone may propose a MyMultiSig.Action for the Treasury to execute via TreasuryPublic.proposeAction. Signers on the MyMultiSig.Manager may borrow a reference to a proposed MyMultiSig.Action, and call verifySignature. If the signature verification passes, the signer's address will be added to the map of accounts that have verified the action.

Once a MyMultiSig.Action has received >= the required signature threshold, a signer may call Treasury.executeAction to follow through with the proposed action.


The signer addresses and initial threshold are used to initialize a MyMultiSig.Manager resource, which is used to manage eligible signers and set the threshold of signatures needed to execute a MyMultiSig.Action.


The set of actions that a Treasury can execute is limited to the actions defined within TreasuryActions.cdc. These include actions to transfer tokens (fungible or non-fungible) to Flow accounts, or another Treasury. It also includes actions to manage the list of signers and the signer threshold.

Actions that manage signers & threshold must undergo the same multi-signing process as actions that move assets out of the Treasury.

Message format for MyMultiSig.Action.verifySignature

For a signer to successfully endorse a proposed action, they must submit a list of signatures.

The message format for a given action is (omitting the curly braces):

{uuid of MyMultiSig.Action}{hex-encoded MyMultiSig.Action intent}{blockId}

The signatures passed via the signatures arguments should correspond to signatures of the message with each of the account's key IDs, indicated by the keyIds argument.

For the signature to be valid, the weight of the sum of all the keys that successfully signed the message must add up to >= 999. (should this actually be 1000?)


Deploying Contracts to Emulator

To start a local blockchain with dev wallet use:

yarn chain

To deploy all contracts in ./contracts:

yarn deploy

Seeding Emulator account with FUSD

After deploying all contracts, run

yarn fusd

This will seed 9999999 FUSD tokens to the emulator account for testing purposes (emulator account address can be found in flow.json)

Seeding Emulator with NFT

after creating a treasury with the service account, run

yarn nft

NOTE: Docker must be running for this method

You can build & run the emulator via Docker with the contracts automatically deployed, and a few accounts already created:

make vessel-emulator


First, make sure you have a .env file in the same location and shape as packages/client/.env.example. Then, to start the client:

yarn start

You should now be able to see the client app at localhost:3000.

Switching networks

When switching between networks like emulator and testnet, packages/client/src/contracts.json needs to be updated with the appropriate addresses from flow.json.

You can specify the target network either via a NETWORK env variable or by modifying the NETWORK variable in updateContractAddresses.js.

NETWORK=testnet yarn update-contracts