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Spatial hash grids


Artifacts move around the map based on vectors contained in .txt files. At certain times, Jedi appear on the map and want to collect artifacts. Their positions are also in .txt files. When they appear, we want to check which artifacts are at such a distance from the Jedi that he can obtain them.

This problem is very similar to collision detection in games.

Simple solution

The simplest option is brute force, which involves checking the distance of each jedi from each artifact.

Better solution

A better option is to use a method such as Spatial hash grid. Its operation is shown in the image below.

Spatial hash grid

  1. We divide the area into smaller cells,
  2. When we add artifacts, we assign them to individual cells,
  3. When a Jedi appears, we choose cells near Jedi,
  4. We calculate the distances of artifacts from Jedi in previously selected cells.

Config file

In the configuration file, we can set things such as map dimensions, search radius, file names in which the data will be stored, etc. Sample file: config/config.json

Some config data

  • n - Number of artifacts
  • d - The maximum value by which the artifact can move at one time
  • f - Number of Jedis
  • h - Searching radius


The measured search duration will be saved in logs/ folder.

Sample measured time differences based on 50 trials. Measured time

Running program

In the main function we provide the file location of the configuration file and choose optimization type. Then we create Map object, initialize artifacts and Jedis and then run the play() function.

Optimization types:

  • 0 - bruteforce,
  • 1 - spatial hash grid

Used libraries

  1. jsoncpp


Solving problem similar to collision detection







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