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On this repo I will be going through the Retro FPS in Unity by GamesPlusJames.

Please Note : GamesPlusJames has loads of great content on his channel, including but not restricted to beginner oriented tutorials. So please check out his channel and tutorial.


  1. Description
  2. Changelog

1. Description

What is this project and why does it exist?

I loved the tutorial and I would like to do it again. Hopefully improve on it and add more content on top. After each video of the tutorial, the repo is going to be updated, with the progress. Details of the updates will be found under the Changelog category.

  • Given that it is a short tutorial (9 videos, about 10 to 25 mins each), there are some bugs and issues here and there that I'd like to address and fix.
  • Given that the editor version used in the videos is older, we might encounter issues and errors along the way, which I want to address.

Please Note:

  • I'm using Unity version 2021.2.18f1;
  • You can download the assets used in this tutorial here;
  • You can find the tutorial on how to add a Unity project to Git here: Brackeys;

2. Changelog


03/23/2022 • 03:31AM GMT+2

Episode 0 - Preparations

Created a 2D project and placed it in the git folder. Edited the engine settings and the gitignore file. Details on how to configure the Unity editor and the gitignore file can be found here.


03/23/2022 • 08:06pm GMT+2

Episode 1 - Retro FPS in Unity #1 - First Person movement

Created a Player game object and a PlayerMovement script. Attached the camera, the script and a Rigidbody2D to the Player.


03/24/2022 • 08:06pm GMT+2

Episode 2 - Retro FPS in Unity #2 - Shooting

Created a Wall and Bullet Impact prefabs. Implemented a shooting system with ammo check.


04/01/1000 • 06:50pm GMT+2

Episode 3 - Retro FPS in Unity #3 - Billboarding & Ammo

Created an Ammo Pickup game object and a Bill Board script. Added a gun to the UI with a shoot animation.


04/01/1000 • 08:38pm GMT+2

Episode 4 - Retro FPS in Unity #4 - Making Enemies

Created Enemy game object, script for it to take dmg, to die, to move towards the Player. Added an Explosion animation for the Enemy death.


04/01/1000 • 09:32pm GMT+2

Episode 5 - Retro FPS in Unity #5 - Health

Created the Health system. Now the Player can take dmg and die, upon death being greeted with a death screen and a restart button that resets the scene. The Enemy now shoots bullets (that deal dmg) towards the player.


04/02/1000 • 03:55pm GMT+2

Episode 6 - Retro FPS in Unity #6 - Adding UI

Created Health Pickup prefab. Added basic Health and Ammo UI and Camera animation simulating movement. Created a script that hides the mouse cursor upon starting the game.

Please Note : Using the 2021 version of the editor, only TextMeshPro is available (for the text on the hud). For things to work properly, in the PlayerController scripy, you must insert using TMPro; in the beginning of the script, and use this code when creating the variables public TextMeshProUGUI healthText, ammoText; .


04/03/1000 • 11:55pm GMT+2

Episode 7 - Retro FPS in Unity #7 - Designing 3D levels with Tilemaps

Created Level Editor with the Tilemap system and created a small level for testing.

Please Note : Using the 2021 version of the editor, there is no need to import and install the 2D tilemap extras for the Rule Tile. It is already included. What you have to do is right click in the desired folder Create > 2D > Tiles > Rue Tile.


04/03/1000 • 09:32pm GMT+2

Episode 8 - Retro FPS in Unity #8 - Adding Doors

Created a fully functioning door, that opens upon entering a trigger collider.


04/03/1000 • 12:56pm GMT+2

Episode 9 - Retro FPS in Unity #9 - Adding Audio

Created an Audio Controller, added a background music and sounds for: health pickup, ammo pickup, enemy death, enemy shooting, player shooting, player taking damage.

This update concludes the tutorial.


04/03/1000 • 03:12pm GMT+2

As of now, I will be focusing on fixing bugs, polishing and adding new features to the project.

The project as it is right after the tutorial can be found under tag > 0.1.0-Final-Point

Created a small level that contains all the features developed until now. Player, enemies, pickup items, etc..


04/04/1000 • 03:34pm GMT+2

Detected and Fixed issues :

  • Enemy overlaps through floor and ceiling tiles;
  • Enemy bullets fly indefinitely;
  • Enemy bullets pass through walls;
  • Enemy can't be shot when it is too close;
  • GunShot has no sound when shooting anything but wall or enemy;
  • Shooting the Door prefab doesn't create a Bullet Impact;
  • Player can shoot through the Door prefab;
  • Camera clipping through walls when walking close to them;
  • Camera can rotates 360° overhead;
  • Lowered sound of background music and other sfx to make it more playable;

The solutions & fixes are going to be displayed somewhere else, in order to keep the README file cleaner.