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Nekomimi GameBoy Emulator Dev Doc


Real GameBoy Emulator Code Blame
CPU: Sharp LR35902 src/cpu & src/register Kowalski Dark
PPU (Picture Processing Unit) src/ppu Marshmallow
RAM & VRAM src/memory Kowalski Dark
Joypad src/joypad Marshmallow
Motherboard src/motherboard Marshmallow
Timer src/timer Marshmallow
Cartridge src/cartridge Marshmallow


Namespace Prefix / Postfix Note
gameboy r_ register: A F B C D E H L SP PC
f_ flag(F): Z N H C
ior_ I/O register
arg_ Argument
temp_ temporary variable/flag
alu_ Arithmetic Logic Unit operation
ex_ Decode and execute opcode
_byte 8-bit version
_word 16-bit version
_dword 32-bit version
_zp Zero Page


Little endian

For example, we want to store 0x1234 in memory, the starting address is 0x0000.

Memory status:

| 16-bit Address | 0x0000 | 0x0001 | 0x0002 | ...
| 8-bit  Value   | 0x34   | 0x12   | ...... | ...

Word Length

Intel 8080 and Zilog 80 defind a WORD as 8 bits, Sharp LR35902 is similar to them.

Meanwhile x86 family and ARM CPUs defind a WORD as 16 bits (2 bytes).

In this entire project, we define a WORD as 16 bits just like x86 and ARM, and a byte is 8 bits.


GameBoy CPU(LR35902) instruction set

Memory Map

Address Size Usage
0x0000 - 0x3FFF 16 KB ROM Bank 00, in cartridge, fixed at bank 00
0x4000 - 0x7FFF 16 KB ROM Bank 01, in cartridge, switchable bank number
0x8000 - 0x9FFF 8 KB Video RAM (VRAM)
0xA000 - 0xBFFF 8 KB External RAM, in cartridge
0xC000 - 0xCFFF 4 KB Work RAM (WRAM) Bank 0
0xD000 - 0xDFFF 4 KB Work RAM (WRAM) Bank 1
0xE000 - 0xFDFF Same as 0xC000 - 0xDDFF (ECHO RAM), typically not used
0xFE00 - 0xFE9F Sprite Attribute Table (OAM)
0xFEA0 - 0xFEFF Not usable
0xFF00 - 0xFF7E I/O Ports
0xFF80 - 0xFFFE High RAM (HRAM)
0xFFFF Interrupt Enable Register (IE)

System Clocks

Component Speed
CPU 4 MHz (4,194,304 Hz)
RAM 1 MHz (1,048,576 Hz)
PPU 4 MHz (4,194,304 Hz)
VRAM 2 MHz (2,097,152 Hz)

The whole system is memory bound, so it can only calculate as fast as memory which provides data

In this project, when we use cycles, it means machine cycles at 1 MHz

CPU Manual Erratum

For the most common and easy to get version of Sharp LR35902 CPU Manual:

Game Boy CPU Manual - Version: 1.01 by DP


When we pop 16-bit unsigned number to register pair AF, low 4 bits of register F should be reset to 0.

For example, if we pop 0xFFFF on stack to AF, then AF should be 0xFFF0.


After comparing with Intel 8080 and Zilog 80, we find that decriptions of effect to Carry Flag and Half Carry are completely wrong.

The correct version should be:

Half Carry - Set if borrow from bit 4, which means it will NOT overflow to bit 4

Carry - Set if borrow form bit 8, which means it will NOT overflow to bit 8

More details on Intel 8080 cpu manual.


The same as SUB, effect to Half Carry and Carry should be corrected.


The same as SUB, effect to Half Carry should be corrected


After comparing with Intel 8080 and Zilog 80, we find that decription of effect to Zero Flag is wrong.

The correct version should be:

Zero - Reset.


The same as RLCA,effect to Zero Flag should be corrected.

The correct version should be:

Zero - Reset.


The same as RLCA,effect to Zero Flag should be corrected.

The correct version should be:

Zero - Reset.


The same as RLCA,effect to Zero Flag should be corrected.

The correct version should be:

Zero - Reset.


The Ultimate Game Boy Talk

GameBoy CPU(LR35902) instruction set

Gameboy Memory Map

Gameboy CPU Manual

Intel 8080 CPU Manual

Zilog 80 CPU Manual