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Using Swagger UI with Passport

Darius Matulionis edited this page Sep 11, 2020 · 1 revision

Using Swagger UI with Passport

The easiest way to build and test your Laravel-based API using Swagger-php is to use Passport's CreateFreshApiToken middleware. This middleware, built into Laravel's core, adds a cookie to all responses, and the cookie authenticates all subsequent requests through Passport's TokenGuard.

To get started, first publish L5-Swagger's config and view files into your own project:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider "L5Swagger\L5SwaggerServiceProvider"

Next, edit your config/l5-swagger.php configuration file. Locate the l5-swagger.defaults.routes.middleware section, and add the following middleware list to the api route:

'api' => [
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