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Clone of Foodpanda

Technology Use

React Native | Redux | tailwind | React Native Navigation | HeroIcons | | react-native-animatable |react-native-progress | react-native-maps


  1. use command npx create-expo-app FoodPanda-clone

  2. use command go do folder code .FoodPanda-clone

  3. add the web support npx expo install react-dom react-native-web @expo/webpack-config

  4. open project add redux yarn add @reduxjs/toolkit redux react-redux

  5. run npx expo start

  6. add tailwind config file for autocomplete add style to the class name in tailwind autocomplete npx tailwindcss init -p

  7. add tailwind class name library yarn add twrnc

  8. add React Navigation both native and stack npm install @react-navigation/native @react-navigation/stack

  9. add expo react navigation decencies by npx expo install react-native-screens react-native-safe-area-context

  10. add gesture handle by npx expo install react-native-gesture-handler

  11. add icon yarn add react-native-vector-icons

  12. add hero icons yarn add react-native-heroicons react-native-svg

  13. add sanity npm install -g @sanity/cli

  14. init sanity in the project sanity init add the project name to foodpanda-clone or what ever you want to add use the default dataset configuration : yes project output path to sanity this is to make it clean Do you want to use TypeScript : yes package manage to use for installing dependencies: yarn

  15. use sanity cd sanity then sanity start this will ask that do you want to start a development sever instead? :yes as output is not else you can build make sure you have the tailwind.config.css else it will give error

  16. add sanity client and sanity image url yarn add @sanity/client @sanity/image-url

  17. create a file name sanity.js in main folder

  18. we need to add cors to the sanity project we can do it though studio as well as by using command cd sanity to go to sanity folder then sanity cors add http://localhost:19006 then sanity cors add http://localhost:3000

  19. deploy the sanity sanity deploy use the hostname as you with make sure it is unique

  20. go to localhost:3000 and go to vision and write *[_type =="featured"]{ ..., restaurants[]->{ ..., dishes[]->, type->{ name }, } }

  21. sometime the error happen Error: URLSearchParams.set is not implemented because me may be using the same name as project in sanity and that conflict with package.jsonand sanity/package.json change the project name of the sanity project if error happen

  22. a strange kind of error happen with sanity to i added yarn add react-native-url-polyfill to make things work add app top of App,js import 'react-native-url-polyfill/auto';

  23. add react-currency-formater yarn add react-currency-formatter

  24. add react native animatable yarn add react-native-animatable

  25. add react native progress yarn add react-native-progress

  26. add react native map npx expo install react-native-maps


"FoodPanda clone"


React native FoodPanda Clone






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