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# Phi2-Smol-0.2B: Train your own small Phi2 English model from scratch, with support for integrating with langchain to load a local knowledge base for enhanced retrieval generation RAG. # Training your own Phi2 small chat model from scratch.


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Phi2-Tiny-0.2B Train your own Phi2 smpl model from scratch

**This project is experimental, with open-source code and model weights. The pre-training data is limited.

  • Supports acceleration with flash attention 2

1. ⚗️ Data Cleaning

For example, adding periods at the end of sentences, removing duplicate punctuation (e.g., many dialogue corpora have a lot of "。。。。。"), etc.

2. 🗨️ Tokenizer Training

Code: tokenizer.ipynb This project uses a byte level BPE tokenizer. Training code for both char level and byte level tokenizers is provided.

After training the tokenizer, remember to check if common special symbols like \t, \n, etc., are in the vocabulary. You can try encoding and decoding a sentence with special characters to see if it can be restored. If these special symbols are not included, add them using the add_tokens function. Use len(tokenizer) to get the vocabulary size; tokenizer.vocab_size does not count characters added through the add_tokens function.

Tokenizer training is memory-intensive:

  • byte level training with 100 million characters needs at least 32G of memory (actually, 32G is still not quite enough, frequent swapping may occur), taking about 1 hour on 13600k.

  • char level training with 650 million characters (exactly the size of the Chinese Wikipedia corpus) needs at least 32G of memory. Due to multiple swaps, the actual usage far exceeds 32G, taking about half an hour on 13600k.

Therefore, for large datasets (GB level), it is recommended to sample from the dataset when training the tokenizer.

3. ⛏️ CLM Causal Model Pre-training

Conduct unsupervised pre-training with a large amount of text, mainly using the bell open source dataset BELLE.

Dataset format: one sentence per sample, longer sentences can be truncated and divided into multiple samples.

During CLM pre-training, the model's input and output are the same. When calculating the cross-entropy loss, it needs to be shifted by one position (shift).

When processing encyclopedia corpus, it is recommended to add an '[EOS]' marker at the end of each entry. Similar processing for other corpora, an end of a doc (which could be the end of an article or a paragraph) should also be marked with '[EOS]'. The start marker '[BOS]' can be added or not.

4. ⚒️ SFT Instruction Fine-tuning

Mainly using the bell open source dataset. Thanks to the contributor BELLE.

The format for SFT training data is as follows:

text = f"##Question:\n{example['instruction']}\n##Answer:\n{example['output'][EOS]"

The model ignores parts before the marker "##Answer:" (including "##Answer:" itself) when calculating the loss, starting from the text after "##Answer:".

Remember to add EOS, the special marker for sentence ending; otherwise, the model won't know when to stop decoding. The BOS sentence start marker is optional.

5. 📝 RLHF Optimization

Adopt a simpler, more memory-efficient DPO preference optimization method.

Code: dpo.ipynb

Fine-tune the SFT model according to personal preferences. The dataset should have three columns: prompt, chosen, and rejected. Some rejected data is generated from an early version of the SFT model (e.g., take a model checkpoint from 0.5 of 4 epoch training in SFT). If the similarity between the generated rejected and chosen is above 0.9, discard that data.

During the DPO process, there should be two models: one for training and one for reference. At loading, they are actually the same model, but the reference model does not participate in parameter updates.

6. 📑 Usage of This Project's Model

6.1 General Conversation Capabilities

Model weights in huggingface repository: Phi2-smol-0.2B

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM, GenerationConfig
import torch

device = torch.device("cuda") if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device("cpu")

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('charent/Phi2-Chinese-0.2B')
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained('charent/Phi2-Chinese-0.2B').to(device)

txt = 'What should I do if I catch a cold?'
prompt = f"##Question:\n{txt}\n##Answer:\n"

# greedy search
gen_conf = GenerationConfig(

tokened = tokenizer.encode_plus(text=prompt)
input_ids, attention_mask = torch.LongTensor([tokened.input_ids]).to(device), \

outputs = model.generate(

outs = tokenizer.decode(outputs[0].cpu().numpy(), clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True, skip_special_tokens=True,)

What should I do if I catch a cold?
A cold is caused by a virus, and common colds are generally caused by viruses. Here are some common methods for dealing with a cold:
- Wash hands, especially after contacting other people or objects.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or elbow when coughing or sneezing.
- Avoid touching your mouth and nose, especially the throat and nose.
- If coughing or sneezing, use a tissue or handkerchief to cover your mouth and nose but stay away from other people.
- If you have a cold, it's best not to touch your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- During a cold, it's best to maintain adequate hydration and rest to relieve physical fatigue.
- If you already have a cold, you can drink some warm water or salt water to replenish body fluids.
- Also, if you catch a cold, it's advisable to seek medical attention promptly.
6.2 Retrieval-Enhanced Generation (RAG)
For detailed code, see rag_with_langchain.ipynb


  1. 🎓 Citations If you find this project helpful, feel free to cite it.

conf Copy code @misc{Charent2023, author={Charent Chen}, title={A small Chinese causal language model with 0.2B parameters base on Phi2}, year={2023}, publisher = {GitHub}, journal = {GitHub repository}, howpublished = {\url{}}, }

  1. 🤔 Other Matters This project is not responsible for any data security, public opinion risks, or risks and responsibilities arising from the misuse, propagation, inappropriate use, or misguidance of the open-source model and code.


# Phi2-Smol-0.2B: Train your own small Phi2 English model from scratch, with support for integrating with langchain to load a local knowledge base for enhanced retrieval generation RAG. # Training your own Phi2 small chat model from scratch.







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