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jeremydmiller edited this page Apr 22, 2011 · 10 revisions


FubuCore is a grab bag of useful utilities and generic functionality that is used as a building block in several other open source .Net projects like:

  • HtmlTags [LINK]
  • FubuMVC [LINK]
  • FubuValidation [LINK]
  • Bottles [LINK]
  • StoryTeller [LINK]

What you'll find in FubuCore:

  1. Model Binding
  2. Command Line Infrastructure
  3. Strong Typed Configuration with the AppSettingsProvider
  4. Supercharged Reflection
    1. ReflectionHelper
    2. Accessor's
    3. Expression generation
    4. Type extension methods
    5. Working with generic types
    6. Easier access to attributes
  5. Cache (Memoized Dictionary) -- the most useful class I've ever written
  6. Composite Actions and Filters
  7. DisplayFormatter and Stringifier
  8. Convert strings to other types the way you want with ObjectConverter
  9. File System utilities
  10. Type Resolver
  11. Extension methods
    1. Basic extensions
    2. Boolean extensions
    3. Dictionary extensions
    4. Enumerable and List extensions
    5. Number extensions
    6. StackFrame extensions
    7. Stream extensions
    8. String extensions
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