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Item Documentation

Darthsae edited this page Jul 18, 2023 · 1 revision


The useStyle is a variable obtained from the selection in a Listbox named useStyle. It represents the use style of use of the item. Here's the corresponding code snippet:

useStyles = ["ItemUseStyleID.Swing"]

useStyle = Listbox(root)
for item in useStyles:
    useStyle.insert(END, item), y=2)

replaces['<USESTYLE>'] = "useStyle.get(ACTIVE)"


The useTime is an integer variable associated with a Spinbox widget. It represents the time it takes to use the item in ticks. Here's the corresponding code snippet:

useTime = IntVar()
Label(root, text="Use time").place(x=152, y=180)
Spinbox(root, from_=-2147483647, to=2147483647, textvariable=useTime).place(x=152, y=200)

replaces['<USETIME>'] = "str(useTime.get())"


The useAnimation is an integer variable associated with a Spinbox widget. It represents the use animation length in ticks of the item. Here's the corresponding code snippet:

useAnimation = IntVar()
Label(root, text="Use animation").place(x=302, y=180)
Spinbox(root, from_=-2147483647, to=2147483647, textvariable=useAnimation).place(x=302, y=200)

replaces['<USEANIMATION>'] = "str(useAnimation.get())"


The autoReuse is a boolean variable associated with a Checkbutton. It indicates whether the item can be automatically reused. Here's the corresponding code snippet:

autoReuse = BooleanVar()
Checkbutton(root, text="Auto reuse", variable=autoReuse).place(x=152, y=500)

replaces['<AUTOREUSE>'] = "str(autoReuse.get()).lower()"


The damageType is a variable obtained from the selection in a Listbox named damageType. It represents the type of damage dealt by the item. Here's the corresponding code snippet:

damageTypes = ["DamageClass.Melee"]

damageType = Listbox(root)
for item in damageTypes:
    damageType.insert(END, item), y=2)

replaces['<DAMAGETYPE>'] = "damageType.get(ACTIVE)"


The damage is an integer variable associated with a Spinbox widget. It represents the amount of damage dealt by the item. Here's the corresponding code snippet:

damage = IntVar()
Label(root, text="Damage").place(x=152, y=230)
Spinbox(root, from_=-2147483647, to=2147483647, textvariable=damage).place(x=152, y=250)

replaces['<DAMAGE>'] = "str(damage.get())"


The knockback is an integer variable associated with a Spinbox widget. It represents the knockback applied by the item. Here's the corresponding code snippet:

knockback = IntVar()
Label(root, text="Knockback").place(x=302, y=230)
Spinbox(root, from_=-2147483647, to=2147483647, textvariable=knockback).place(x=302, y=250)

replaces['<KNOCKBACK>'] = "str(knockback.get())"


The crit is an integer variable associated with a Spinbox widget. It represents the critical hit chance of the item. Here's the corresponding code snippet:

crit = IntVar()
Label(root, text="Crit").place(x=152, y=280)
Spinbox(root, from_=-2147483647, to=2147483647, textvariable=crit).place(x=152, y=300)

replaces['<CRIT>'] = "str(crit.get())"


The goldcost is an integer variable associated with a Spinbox widget. It represents the gold cost of the item. Here's the corresponding code snippet:

goldcost = IntVar()
Label(root, text="Gold cost").place(x=302, y=280)
Spinbox(root, from_=-2147483647, to=2147483647, textvariable=goldcost).place(x=302, y=300)

replaces['<GOLDCOST>'] = "str(goldcost.get())"


The rarity is a variable obtained from the selection in a Listbox named rarity. It represents the rarity of the item. Here's the corresponding code snippet:

rarities = ["ItemRarityID.Blue"]

rarity = Listbox(root)
for item in rarities:
    rarity.insert(END, item), y=2)

replaces['<RARITY>'] = "rarity.get(ACTIVE)"


The sound is a variable obtained from the selection in a Listbox named sound. It represents the sound associated with the use of the item. Here's the corresponding code snippet:

sounds = ["SoundID.Item1"]

sound = Listbox(root)
for item in sounds:
    sound.insert(END, item), y=2)

replaces['<SOUND>'] = "sound.get(ACTIVE)"


The axe is an integer variable associated with a Spinbox widget. It represents the axe power of the item. Here's the corresponding code snippet:

axe = IntVar()
Label(root, text="Axe").place(x=152, y=330)
Spinbox(root, from_=-2147483647, to=2147483647, textvariable=axe).place(x=152, y=350)

replaces['<AXE>'] = "str(axe.get())"


The hammer is an integer variable associated with a Spinbox widget. It represents the hammer power of the item. Here's the corresponding code snippet:

hammer = IntVar()
Label(root, text="Hammer").place(x=302, y=330)
Spinbox(root, from_=-2147483647, to=2147483647, textvariable=hammer).place(x=302, y=350)

replaces['<HAMMER>'] = "str(hammer.get())"


The pick is an integer variable associated with a Spinbox widget. It represents the pickaxe power of the item. Here's the corresponding code snippet:

pick = IntVar()
Label(root, text="Pick").place(x=152, y=380)
Spinbox(root, from_=-2147483647, to=2147483647, textvariable=pick).place(x=152, y=400)

replaces['<PICK>'] = "str(pick.get())"


The tileBoost is an integer variable associated with a Spinbox widget. It represents the item's extra reach in tiles. Here's the corresponding code snippet:

tileBoost = IntVar()
Label(root, text="Tile boost").place(x=302, y=380)
Spinbox(root, from_=-2147483647, to=2147483647, textvariable=tileBoost).place(x=302, y=400)

replaces['<TILEBOOST>'] = "str(tileBoost.get())"


The channel is a boolean variable associated with a Checkbutton. It indicates whether the item can be channeled. Here's the corresponding code snippet:

channel = BooleanVar()
Checkbutton(root, text="Channel", variable=channel).place(x=302, y=500)

replaces['<CHANNEL>'] = "str(channel.get()).lower()"


The noMelee is a boolean variable associated with a Checkbutton. It indicates whether the item can be used in melee attacks. Here's the corresponding code snippet:

noMelee = BooleanVar()
Checkbutton(root, text="No melee", variable=noMelee).place(x=452, y=500)

replaces['<NOMELEE>'] = "str(noMelee.get()).lower()"


The noUseGraphic is a boolean variable associated with a Checkbutton. It indicates whether the item has a use graphic. Here's the corresponding code snippet:

noUseGraphic = BooleanVar()
Checkbutton(root, text="No use graphic", variable=noUseGraphic).place(x=602, y=500)

replaces['<NOUSEGRAPHIC>'] = "str(noUseGraphic.get()).lower()"


The tile is a string variable associated with an Entry widget. It represents the name of the tile the item places. Here's the corresponding code snippet:

doTile = BooleanVar()
Checkbutton(root, text="Tile", variable=doTile).place(x=152, y=550)
Entry(root, textvariable=tile).place(x=302, y=550)

replaces['tile'] = "doTile.get()"