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Workshop Data Scopes

Coherent methods for research with heterogeneous digital resources

  • Data scope: gathering different datasets and cleaning, supplementing and linking them to be able to do analyses that spring from research questions
  • there is little consensus how to proceed
  • there is little understanding about the processes involved and how they influence further steps (such as analysis)
  • often (falsely) regarded as a preparation of 'real research'

Workshop purpose

The purpose of the workshop is to make researchers aware of the different aspects of dealing with large-scale data. With data scopes we wan t to achieve the following:

  • insight into data processing: processing data is an essential and inseparable part of research and not just an inevitable technical process after which the real research can begin
  • transparancy of research: make research based on the processing and analysis of large and complex data more Transparent
  • methodological discussion: consolidate digital methods in order to come to coherent and broadly supported research methodologies
  • develop modes of collaboration: collecting, cleaning and linking data requires a lot of knowledge, of technical as well as content matters

Workshop design

  • Tutorial: explanation of data scopes concepts
  • Hands-on sessions: work in small groups on assignments relating to data scopes concepts
    • be creative: assignments have no 'right solutions', we do not have the correct answers ourselves
    • zen: assignments will be a mess, everything goes wrong, but that is part of the deal and they will turn out alright again
    • Discussion: compare groups assignments, reflect on data scopes as a means to tackle the research process

Wednesday 5 September:

Thursday 6 September:

  • 10:00-11:00 Preparing data scope of assignments for handover
  • 11:00-12:00 Data scope handover and assessment
  • 12:00-13:00 Methodology discussion and wrap up


  • What is your background? What are your experiences with and in using data in research?
  • Why do you participate? What are your expectations?