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For OutPost Version


Solution Overview

Partner name:


Industry vertical:

Monitoring and Observability

Brief description of solution:

Datadog is a SaaS-based monitoring and analytics platform for large-scale applications and infrastructure. Combining real-time logs, metrics from servers, containers, databases, and applications with end-to-end tracing, Datadog delivers actionable alerts and powerful visualizations to provide full-stack observability. Datadog includes over 400 vendor-supported integrations and APM libraries for several languages.

Customer use case for running the solution on Outposts:

Customers running services on Outposts will have the need to not only monitor the health and performance of those services (eg. EKS clusters, EC2 instances, RDS databases etc.) but also the applications they run on them. Datadog can monitor technologies on Outposts, as well as customer's own on-prem infrastructure, and provide a single consolidated place to view and analyze the data from every part of their technology stack.

Existing AWS Marketplace offering:

If yes provide a link to the marketplace offering

Yes, Datadog products can be found on the AWS Marketplace here

Has the product been tested on EKS?

Yes, Datadog has an official integration with EKS. More information can be found on:

AWS services the solution requires locally on Outposts:

For EKS:

  • EKS
  • EC2
  • Any other services being used, eg. ELB, AppMesh

AWS services the solution will need to access from the AWS Cloud:

  • IAM
  • CloudWatch

Has an architecture diagram of the solution on Outposts been created ?

If Yes. Attach image to test plan.

Yes, EKS integration architecture diagram here

Any reason why more than (1) Outpost rack will be needed for your test?

If so provide a brief description why and refer to test plan.

No, only one should be required.

Test Plan

Summary of test objectives and acceptance criteria:


  1. Create a basic EKS cluster
  2. Launch one EC2 instance as a bastion host used to install/configure the Datadog Agents
  3. Install Datadog Container Agent on EKS cluster containers
  4. Install Datadog node-based Agent on EC2 instances

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Success is achieved when metrics and logs about the EKS environment are visible on Datadog's default dashboards

Test environment details:

EKS NodeGroup

  • 2 EC2 instances

IAM Roles

  • 1 IAM Role with policy that has the required permissions to query the CloudWatch API for metrics
    • This is required for Datadog to query CloudWatch metrics


  • 1 new VPC for the test EKS cluster

Test 1 description:

Create a basic EKS cluster, setup the Datadog Cluster Agent and datadog node-based Agent. Finally, verify metrics and logs are visible in Datadog.

Test 1 steps:

1. Create a basic EKS cluster using eksctl

Use the included eks_cluster.yaml file to create an EKS cluster.

eksctl create cluster -f eks_cluster.yaml

2. Configure RBAC permissions for the Cluster Agent and node-based Agents

Use the included cluster-agent-rbac.yaml, datadog-rbac.yaml to deploy

$ kubectl apply -f /path/to/cluster-agent-rbac.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f /path/to/datadog-rbac.yaml

3. Secure communication between node-based Agents and the Cluster Agent

Generate a secret token to use in the included dca-secret.yaml file (replace <TOKEN> value):

echo -n '<32_CHARACTER_LONG_STRING>' | base64
vi /path/to/dca-secret.yaml

Create the secret:

$ kubectl apply -f /path/to/dca-secret.yaml

4. Create and deploy the Cluster Agent manifest

Use the included datadog-cluster-agent.yaml file (replace <YOUR_API_KEY> with Datadog API key)

$ kubectl apply -f /path/to/datadog-cluster-agent.yaml
  • Deploy the node-based Agent DaemonSet Use the included datadog-agent.yaml file (replace <YOUR_API_KEY> with Datadog API key)
$ kubectl apply -f /path/to/datadog-agent.yaml

5. Setup CloudWatch

  • Create a new role in the AWS IAM Console and attach a policy that has the required permissions to query the CloudWatch API for metrics

  • In Datadog, configure the AWS Integration Tile with:

    • AWS Account ID
    • Role Name
    • Tick the boxes for: "EC2", "EC2 API", "EC2 Spot Fleet" and "EBS"

Test 1 success criteria:

  • Navigate to Datadog and verify dashboard contains EKS metrics

If applicable add more test cases for other software products

Test 2 description:

Test 2 steps:

Test 2 success criteria:


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