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Bosh release for Datadog Cluster Agent


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Datadog Cluster Agent Bosh Release

This repository is a Bosh package for running the Datadog Cluster Agent on Cloud Foundry.

This package is to be used in conjunction with the Datadog Agent Bosh Release. It provides a Bosh link (see spec) consumed by the Datadog Agent Bosh release in order to Autodiscover and schedule integrations for your apps, as well as improved tagging for application containers and processes discovery.


To deploy the Datadog Cluster Agent and make it discoverable by the Datadog Agent, provide a job like the following in a deploy manifest (refer to the spec for available properties):

- name: datadog-cluster-agent
  release: datadog-cluster-agent
      token: <TOKEN>  # 32 or more characters in length
      bbs_poll_interval: 10
      warmup_duration: 5
      log_level: INFO
      bbs_ca_crt: <CA_CERTIFICATE>
      bbs_client_crt: <CLIENT_CERTIFICATE>
      bbs_client_key: <CLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY>
      api_key: <DD_API_KEY> # optional, it will only be used to send flares.
      # See
        - domain: <DNS_NAME (e.g. datadog-cluster-agent)>

Note: This creates a DNS alias for the Datadog Cluster Agent service, that can be used to address its VM. See this page for more details on Bosh DNS aliases.

This DNS alias is to be specified in the job property cluster_agent.address of the Datadog Agent runtime configuration, like so:

- name: datadog-agent
  release: datadog-agent
      address: <DNS_NAME>

Integration configurations discovery

The Datadog Cluster Agent discovers integrations based on an AD_DATADOGHQ_COM environment variable set in your applications. This environment variable is a JSON object containing the Autodiscovery configuration templates for your application. The Datadog Cluster Agent can discover and render two types of configurations:

  1. Configurations for services bound to your application, whether they be user-provided or from a service broker.
  2. Configurations for services running inside your application, a web-server for instance.

The JSON object should be a dictionary associating a service name to its Autodiscovery template:

    "<SERVICE_NAME>": {
        "check_names": [<LIST_OF_INTEGRATION_NAMES_TO_CONFIGURE>],
        "init_configs": [<LIST_OF_INIT_CONFIGS>],
        "instances": [<LIST_OF_INSTANCES>],
        "variables": [<LIST_OF_VARIABLES_DEFINITIONS>]

For services bound to the application, the <SERVICE_NAME> should be the name of the service as it appears in the cf services command output, for services running inside the application, it can be anything. The variables key is used only for bound services to resolve template variables inside the configuration template. They should contain the JSON path of the value you want in the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable that you can inspect with cf env <APPLICATION_NAME>.

Note: The Datadog Cluster Agent is currently not able to resolve credentials of services using CredHub to store them. Only credentials directly available in the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable can be used with Autodiscovery.


For example, for a Cloud Foundry application running a web server bound to a PostgreSQL service, you could have the following Autodiscovery configuration in the AD_DATADOGHQ_COM environment variable:

    "web_server": {
        "check_names": ["http_check"],
        "init_configs": [{}],
        "instances": [
                "name": "My Nginx",
                "url": "http://%%host%%:%%port_p8080%%",
                "timeout": 1
    "postgres-service-name": {
        "check_names": ["postgres"],
        "init_configs": [{}],
        "instances": [
                "host": "%%host%%",
                "port": 5432,
                "username": "%%username%%",
                "dbname": "%%dbname%%",
                "password": "%%password%%"
        "variables": {
            "host": "$",
            "username": "$.credentials.Username",
            "password": "$.credentials.Password",
            "dbname": "$.credentials.database_name"

Given the following VCAP_SERVICES environment variable:

    "my-postgres-service": [
            "credentials": {
                Password: "1234",
                Username: "User1234",
                host: "",
                database_name: "my_db",
            "name": "postgres-service-name",

In the above example, the first item web_server is a configuration for a service running inside the application. There are no variables, and it uses the usual template variables %%host%% and %%port%% available with regular Autodiscovery.

The second item postgres-service-name is a configuration for a service bound to the application. To resolve the template variables, it uses the variables dictionary to define the template variables used in the instance configuration. This dictionary contains a JSONPath object indicating where to find the actual variable value in the service postgres-service-name defined in the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable.

Improved tagging for application containers and processes discovery

The Datadog Cluster Agent automatically provides a tagger used by the Datadog Agent when discovering Cloud Foundry application containers without additional configuration, as soon as the two releases are linked as described in the Deployment section.