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Rosie code analyzer from Datadog.

Release new version

Step 1: create a new release

Go on the project page and click on the Releases page.

GitHub Create release

Click on Draft a new release

GitHub Create release Draft Button

  1. Set a version tag that follows vX.Y
  2. Branch MUST BE main
  3. Put a title and a description

GitHub Create release parameters

Step 2: once built, put the release as latest

Check the GitHub action: it will build a package for your release.

GitHub Create release artifacts

Once the package is available, change the release to "Latest release"

GitHub Create release set as latest

Install tree-sitter

This repository relies on tree-sitter and we developed a JNI interface to use tree-sitter in Java.

In the java-tree-sitter project (once cloned), issue the following command:

./ -o libjava-tree-sitter <path-to-tree-sitter-python>

Make sure all submodules are up-to-date. Tree-sitter for java-tree-sitter (the tree-sitter directory) and the version for the Python grammars must be the same (or the python grammar be less than the tree-sitter directory).

To update the submodules: git submodule update --init --recursive (first time) and git submodule update --recursive --remote



./gradlew cli:run --args="--directory /Users/julien/git/ci-backend-executor/backend_lib/ -t true -r rules.json -o plop.json"


./gradlew server:bootRun