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Client library for Buy Marketing API

Installation and Usage

npm install --save @datafire/ebay_buy_marketing
let ebay_buy_marketing = require('@datafire/ebay_buy_marketing').create({
  access_token: "",
  refresh_token: "",
  client_id: "",
  client_secret: "",
  redirect_uri: ""

.then(data => {


The Marketing API retrieves eBay products based on a metric, such as Best Selling, as well as products that were also bought and also viewed.



Exchange the code passed to your redirect URI for an access_token

  "code": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • code required string


  • output object
    • access_token string
    • refresh_token string
    • token_type string
    • scope string
    • expiration string


Exchange a refresh_token for an access_token

ebay_buy_marketing.oauthRefresh(null, context)


This action has no parameters


  • output object
    • access_token string
    • refresh_token string
    • token_type string
    • scope string
    • expiration string


This method returns an array of products based on the category and metric specified. This includes details of the product, such as the eBay product ID (EPID), title, and user reviews and ratings for the product. You can use the epid returned by this method in the Browse API search method to retrieve items for this product. Restrictions To test getMerchandisedProducts in Sandbox, you must use category ID 9355 and the response will be mock data. For a list of supported sites and other restrictions, see API Restrictions.

  "category_id": "",
  "metric_name": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • aspect_filter string: The aspect name/value pairs used to further refine product results. For example:    /buy/marketing/v1_beta/merchandised_product?category_id=31388&metric_name=BEST_SELLING&aspect_filter=Brand:Canon You can use the Browse API search method with the fieldgroups=ASPECT_REFINEMENTS field to return the aspects of a product. For implementation help, refer to eBay API documentation at
    • category_id required string: This query parameter limits the products returned to a specific eBay category. The list of eBay category IDs is not published and category IDs are not all the same across all the eBay maketplace. You can use the following techniques to find a category by site: Use the Category Changes page. Use the Taxonomy API. For details see Get Categories for Buy APIs. Use the Browse API and submit the following method to get the dominantCategoryId for an item. /buy/browse/v1/item_summary/search?q=keyword&fieldgroups=ASPECT_REFINEMENTS Maximum: 1 Required: 1
    • limit string: This value specifies the maximum number of products to return in a result set. Note: Maximum value means the method will return up to that many products per set, but it can be less than this value. If the number of products found is less than this value, the method will return all of the products matching the criteria. Default: 8 Maximum: 100
    • metric_name required string: This value filters the result set by the specified metric. Only products in this metric are returned. Currently, the only metric supported is BEST_SELLING. Default: BEST_SELLING Maximum: 1 Required: 1



This method returns products that were also bought when shoppers bought the product specified in the request. Showing 'also bought' products inspires up-selling and cross-selling. You specify the product by one of the following: epid - eBay Product ID gtin - Global Trade Item Number (UPC, ISBN, EAN) brand - (brand name, such as Nike) plus mpn (Manufacturer's Part Number) Restrictions For a list of supported sites and other restrictions, see API Restrictions. Note: A maximum of 12 products are returned. The method will return up to 12 products, but it can be less than 12. If the number of products found is less than 12, the method will return all of the products matching the criteria.

ebay_buy_marketing.getAlsoBoughtByProduct({}, context)


  • input object
    • brand string: The brand of the product. Restriction: This must be used along with mpn. Required: You must specify one epid, or one gtin, or one brand plus mpn pair.
    • epid string: The eBay product identifier of a product. Required: You must specify one epid, or one gtin, or one brand plus mpn pair.
    • gtin string: The unique Global Trade Item Number of the item as defined by This can be a UPC (Universal Product Code), EAN (European Article Number), or an ISBN (International Standard Book Number value. Required: You must specify one epid, or one gtin, or one brand plus mpn pair.
    • mpn string: The manufacturer part number of the product. Restriction: This must be used along with brand. Required: You must specify one epid, or one gtin, or one brand plus mpn pair.



This method returns products that were also viewed when shoppers viewed the product specified in the request. Showing 'also viewed' products encourages up-selling and cross-selling. You specify the product by one of the following: epid - eBay Product ID gtin - Global Trade Item Number (UPC, ISBN, EAN) brand (brand name, such as Nike) plus mpn (Manufacturer's Part Number) Restrictions For a list of supported sites and other restrictions, see API Restrictions. Note: A maximum of 12 products are returned. The method will return up to 12 products, but it can be less than 12. If the number of products found is less than 12, the method will return all of the products matching the criteria.

ebay_buy_marketing.getAlsoViewedByProduct({}, context)


  • input object
    • brand string: The brand of the product. Restriction: This must be used along with mpn. Required: You must specify one epid, or one gtin, or one brand plus mpn pair.
    • epid string: The eBay product identifier of a product. Required: You must specify one epid, or one gtin, or one brand plus mpn pair.
    • gtin string: The unique Global Trade Item Number of the item as defined by This can be a UPC (Universal Product Code), EAN (European Article Number), or an ISBN (International Standard Book Number value. Required: You must specify one epid, or one gtin, or one brand plus mpn pair.
    • mpn string: The manufacturer part number of the product. Restriction: This must be used along with brand.




  • Amount object: This type defines the monetary value of an amount and the currency used.
    • currency string: The three-letter ISO 4217 code representing the currency of the amount in the value field. For implementation help, refer to eBay API documentation
    • value string: The monetary amount, in the currency specified by the currency field.


  • BestSellingProductResponse object: The type that defines the fields for the best selling product information.
    • merchandisedProducts array: An array of containers for the products.
    • warnings array: The container with all the warnings for the input request.


  • Error object: The type that defines the fields that can be returned in an error.
    • category string: This string value indicates the error category. There are three categories of errors: request errors, application errors, and system errors.
    • domain string: The name of the primary system where the error occurred. This is relevant for application errors.
    • errorId integer: A unique code that identifies the particular error or warning that occurred. Your application can use error codes as identifiers in your customized error-handling algorithms.
    • inputRefIds array: An array of reference IDs that identify the specific request elements most closely associated to the error or warning, if any.
      • items string
    • longMessage string: A detailed description of the condition that caused the error or warning, and information on what to do to correct the problem.
    • message string: A description of the condition that caused the error or warning.
    • outputRefIds array: An array of reference IDs that identify the specific response elements most closely associated to the error or warning, if any.
      • items string
    • parameters array: An array of warning and error messages that return one or more variables contextual information about the error or warning. This is often the field or value that triggered the error or warning.
    • subdomain string: The name of the subdomain in which the error or warning occurred.


  • ErrorParameter object: An array of name/value pairs that provide details regarding the error.
    • name string: This is the name of input field that caused an issue with the call request.
    • value string: This is the actual value that was passed in for the element specified in the name field.


  • Image object: Type the defines the details of an image, such as size and URL. Currently only imageUrl is getting populated. The height and width were added for future use.
    • height integer: Reserved for future use.
    • imageUrl string: The URL of the image.
    • width integer: Reserved for future use.


  • MarketPriceDetail object: The type that defines the fields for details about the product, such as condition and estimated start price.
    • conditionGroup string: The name for the condition of the product. For example: NEW Note: In the US and Australian marketplaces, Condition ID 2000 now maps to an item condition of 'Certified Refurbished', but this item condition is only available for use for a select number of US and Australian sellers. For all other marketplaces besides the US and Australia, Condition ID 2000 still maps to 'Manufacturer Refurbished'.
    • conditionIds array: An array of condition identifiers for the product. Note: In the US and Australian marketplaces, Condition ID 2000 now maps to an item condition of 'Certified Refurbished', but this item condition is only available for use for a select number of US and Australian sellers. For all other marketplaces besides the US and Australia, Condition ID 2000 still maps to 'Manufacturer Refurbished'.
      • items string
    • estimatedStartPrice Amount


  • MerchandisedProduct object: The type that defines the fields for product information, including price, condition, ratings, etc.
    • averageRating string: The average rating for the product based on eBay user ratings.
    • epid string: The eBay product identifier of a product from the eBay product catalog. You can use this value in the Browse API search method to retrieve items for this product.
    • image Image
    • marketPriceDetails array: An array of containers for the product market price details, such as condition and market price.
    • ratingAspects array: An array of containers for ratings of the product aspects, such as "Is it a good value".
    • ratingCount integer: The total number of eBay users that rated the product.
    • reviewCount integer: The total number of eBay users that wrote a review for the product.
    • title string: The title of the product.


  • RatingAspect object: The type that defines the fields for the product aspect ratings.
    • count integer: The number of eBay users that rated the product on this aspect.
    • description string: The name of the rating aspect. Camping tent examples: Is it lightweight? or Is it easy to set up?
    • name string: The answer or value of the rating aspect. Camping tent examples: Lightweight or Easy to set up
    • ratingAspectDistributions array: The container for the details of the aspect rating. The details show the aspect rating value, usually TRUE or FALSE and the user count and percentage.


  • RatingAspectDistribution object: The type that defines the field for the aspect rating details, such as the aspect rating value, usually TRUE or FALSE and the user count and percentage.
    • count integer: The number of eBay users that choose this rating aspect value.
    • percentage string: The percentage of the aspect rating value. ratingAspectDistributions.percentage = ratingAspectDistributions.count / ratingAspects.count
    • value string: The rating aspect. For example: TRUE or FALSE