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Client library for Nexmo Application API

Installation and Usage

npm install --save @datafire/nexmo_application
let nexmo_application = require('@datafire/nexmo_application').create();

.then(data => {


Applications V1 is deprecated

This version of the API has been deprecated. Please use version 2 going forwards
A Nexmo application contains the security and configuration information you need to connect to Nexmo endpoints and easily use our products.



You use a GET request to retrieve details of all applications associated with your account.

  "api_key": "",
  "api_secret": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string: You can find your API key in your account overview
    • api_secret required string: You can find your API secret in your account overview
    • page_size integer: Set the number of items returned on each call to this endpoint. The default is 10 records.
    • page_index integer: Set the offset from the first page. The default value is 0.



You use a POST request to create a new application.

nexmo_application.createApplication({}, context)


  • input object
    • body object
      • answer_method string: The HTTP method used to make the request to answer_url. The default value is GET.
      • answer_url string: The URL where your webhook delivers the Nexmo Call Control Object that governs this call. As soon as your user answers a call Nexmo makes a request to answer_url. Required for inbound calls only.
      • api_key required apiKey
      • api_secret required apiSecret
      • event_method string: The HTTP method used to send event information to event_url. The default value is POST. For voice type applications only.
      • event_url string: Nexmo sends event information asynchronously to this URL when status changes for voice applications. Always required for voice applications.
      • inbound_method string: The HTTP method used to send event information to inbound_url. The default value is POST. For messages type applications only.
      • inbound_url string: Nexmo sends a request to this URL when an inbound message is received. Required for messages type applications only.
      • name required string: The name of your application.
      • status_method string: The HTTP method used to send event information to status_url. The default value is POST. For messages type applications only.
      • status_url string: Nexmo sends event information asynchronously to this URL when status changes. Required for messages type applications only.
      • type required string (values: voice, messages): The Nexmo product or products that you access with this application. Currently voice and messages application types are supported.



You use a DELETE request to delete a single application.

  "app_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • app_id required string: The ID allocated to your application by Nexmo.


Output schema unknown


You use a GET request to retrieve details about a single application.

  "api_key": "",
  "api_secret": "",
  "app_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • api_key required string: You can find your API key in your account overview
    • api_secret required string: You can find your API secret in your account overview
    • app_id required string: The ID allocated to your application by Nexmo.



You use a PUT request to update an existing application.

  "app_id": ""
}, context)


  • input object
    • app_id required string: The ID allocated to your application by Nexmo.
    • body object
      • answer_method string: The HTTP method used to make the request to answer_url. The default value is GET.
      • answer_url string: The URL where your webhook delivers the Nexmo Call Control Object that governs this call. As soon as your user answers a call Nexmo makes a request to answer_url.
      • api_key required apiKey
      • api_secret required apiSecret
      • event_method string: The HTTP method used to send event information to event_url. The default value is POST.
      • event_url string: Nexmo sends event information asynchronously to this URL when status changes.
      • name required string: The name of your application.
      • type required string (values: voice, messages): The Nexmo product or products that you access with this application. Currently voice and messages application types are supported. You can't change the type of application.







  • applicationBase object
    • id string: The ID allocated to your application by Nexmo.
    • name string: The name of your application




  • applicationsBase object
    • _embedded object
      • applications array: The collection of your applications. Each object contains information about an an individual application. The public_key is not included in the application information.
    • count integer: The number of items associated with your account.
    • page_index integer: The offset from the first page.
    • page_size integer: The number of items returned on each call to this endpoint. The default is 10 records.


  • keys object: The Nexmo product that you access with this application.
    • public_key string: The public key used to validate the JWT.


  • keysWithPrivateKey
    • public_key string: The public key used to validate the JWT.
    • private_key string: The private key you use to generate the JSON Web Token (JWT) that authenticates your requests to Messages API.


  • links object: A series of links between resources in this API in the following HAL specification.
    • href string: The link URL.


  • messages object: The Nexmo product that you access with this application.
    • webhooks array
      • items object
        • endpoint required string: inbound_url: The URL where inbound messages are delivered. status_url: The URL where message status is delivered.
        • endpoint_type required string (values: inbound_url, status_url)
        • http_method required string (values: GET, POST): The HTTP method used to send data to the inbound_url or status_url. Default is POST.


  • voice object: The Nexmo product that you access with this application.
    • webhooks array
      • items object
        • endpoint required string: answer_url: The URL where your webhook delivers the Nexmo Call Control Object that governs this call. As soon as your user answers a call Nexmo makes a request to answer_url. event_url: Nexmo sends event information asynchronously to this URL when status changes.
        • endpoint_type required string (values: answer_url, event_url)
        • http_method required string (values: GET, POST): The HTTP method used to send event information to the event_url or answer_url.