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XBRL US Data Quality Committee Rules

This Data Quality Committee (DQC) repository contains:

  • Final rules that the XBRL US Data Quality Committee approved for public release
  • Draft rules that the XBRL US Data Quality Committee approved to expose for public comment
  • Python-based reference implementation of the rules, using Arelle as an XBRL processor
  • Unit tests for the reference implementation
  • Test suite documentation

About the DQC Arelle plugin (v5 and later)

The DQC rules are run using an Arelle plugin written in an XBRL rule syntax called Xule. Xule is processed in a plugin for the Arelle Open Source XBRL processor on a local computer or server. The DQC Arelle plugin reads a specified ruleset and the assertions defined in the ruleset are evaluated against an XBRL instance, a taxonomy or an extension taxonomy, creating validation messages.

The ruleset is comprised of compiled rule files representing rule submission forms that define the rules in a human readable syntax. Both the compiled rule files and the human readable rule submission forms are included in the distribution.

Deploying the DQC Arelle Plugin

Windows/Mac/Linux Application Install

  1. Download the latest version of Arelle to your environment and install.
  2. Download the latest release of the DQC plugin
  3. Extract the DQC archive and copy the plugin/xule folder and files to the plugin directory of Arelle in your environment (if prompted, overwrite files in the existing xule subfolder). In a Windows environment, this would be located on a path similar to C:\Program Files\Arelle\plugin; on a Mac, the location would be at /Applications/ Also copy the file (located in the plugin/validate folder of the DQC release) to the plugin/validate directory of Arelle in your environoment. In a Windows environment, this would be located on a path similar to C:\Program Files\Arelle\plugin\validate; on a Mac, the location would be at /Applications/
  4. Copy the "aniso8601" folder to the root of the Arelle install in your environment. In a Windows environment, this would be located on a path similar to C:\Program FIles\Arelle; on a Mac, the location would be at /Applications/

Source Install

  • Download the latest version of Arelle fro GitHub to your environment and install.
  • Install the following modules to python:
    • isodate
    • aniso8601
    • numpy
  • Follow steps 2 and 3 from the Windows/Mac/Linux Application Install section above to add the DQC plugin to the source copy of Arelle. The Arelle location is where the Arelle source code from GitHub was extracted on the local machine or server. The Arelle plugin foler is at arelle/plugin in the source distribution. For step 2, add the xule folder and files to the arelle/plugin folder. For step 3, add the file from the DQC release's plugin/validate subfolder to the arelle/plugin/validate folder.

The DQC plugin requires Python 3.5 or later and is not compatible with earlier versions of Python.

Updating the ruleset map file

After the installation, the ruleset map file needs to be updated for the latest version. The latest ruleset map is "plugin/xule/rulesetMap.json" in the GitHub distribution. Use the following command to update the ruleset map:

arelleCmdLine --plugin validate/DQC --DQC-replace-rule-set-map *{location of rulesetMap.json file from the GitHub distribution}*

Usage and Results - DQC Rules with Arelle


The DQC Arelle plugin produces validation messages using standard Arelle output. In the GUI, results will appear in the bottom window as the filing is processed and can be exported to text for review. From a command prompt, the option --logFile specifies the output location of the file. The format of the output is specified by the extension of the file. For example --logFile DQC-output.xml will create an xml formatted file whereas --logFile DQC-output.json will create a json formatted file. Output to a file is appended to an existing file - the existing file is not overwritten. An example of an XML output is shown below:

<entry code="DQC.US.0001.75" level="error">
<message severity="error" cid="4508053008" filing_url="">[DQC.US.0001.75] The concept SharesIssued with a value of 21,474,481 is dimensionally qualified with the StatementEquityComponentsAxis and the base taxonomy member CommonClassAMember. Only extension members and the elements defined as children of this axis in the US GAAP taxonomy should be used with the axis StatementEquityComponentsAxis.
The properties of the fact for SharesIssued are:
Period: 2016-12-31
Dimensions: us-gaap:StatementEquityComponentsAxis=us-gaap:CommonClassAMember
Unit: shares

Rule Element Id:75
Rule Version: 2.0 '’, 320</message>
<ref href="('', 320)"/></entry>

In the XML example above, the message portion starts with [DQC.US.0001.75] and ends with the instance filename and line number at the end of the message.

The message portion of the log file output can be controlled by using the --logFormat option. The default format is specified as the following:

"[%(messageCode)s] %(message)s - %(file)s"

To exclude the rule number, filename and line number from the message, use the command prompt --logFormat "%(message)s".

Change Management

The rule submission form index is here with links to the human-readable versions and status of each Data Quality Committee rule. This index lists the most-recent release version in which the rule was substantively modified.

The dqc_us_rules reference implementation library (and compiled files) follows a standard semantic versioning system of MAJOR.MINOR.FIX format. Major releases are specified at the beginning of each public comment period, suffixed with Release Candidate subversions (RC), and become the latest-approved version (x.0.0) when a new set of rules have been approved, coded, and accepted by the DQC after a public comment period. Each release is inclusive of all prior approved rules, and error messages include this detail as referenced to the corresponding taxonomy's constant.xule or constant-IFRS.xule).

Proposed Changes

We actively accept, and encourage, pull requests for code changes. A list of the requirements for a pull request follows, and the request will be reviewed by the technical leads of the project. If the request is accepted it will be merged into the appropriate branch. Some requests may require Committee approval which may take longer to implement. If the request is found to be missing parts or is otherwise incomplete, comments will be noted regarding the missing or incomplete parts.

Development of Rules that are "Ready for Coding":

When new rules that have been approved for coding are released by the DQC, the rules will be developed on a branch corresponding to the expected release version. All new coding for the proposed rules will target this branch on the root DataQualityCommittee fork. Periodically, this branch will be tagged and incremented as a release candidate (RC). Once final approval for the rules is complete, the RC versions of the library will be removed from the index, the next branch wil be merged into master, and a new major version of the library will be released.

Requirements for a Pull Request (PR):

  • Branch off master, develop on your independent fork, PR back to master or other appropriate branch on the root fork.
  • Your code should pass flake8.
  • Unit test coverage is required or an explanation for why the change is already covered or not coverable.
  • Good Docstrings are required.
  • Good commit messages are required.
  • External pull requests must go through the review process described below.

Pull Request Review Process:

  • Each pull request must have at least one +1 comment from DQC member or XBRL US staff.
  • For code changes, you must have a second +1 comment from a second DQC member or XBRL US staff.
  • The request will need to go through the Quality Assurance process defined below and receive a +10 comment. This can be from another DQC member or XBRL US staff, including one of the reviewers.
  • At this point, the request can be submitted to one of the project maintainers to be merged.

License and Patent

See License for license information.
See Patent Notice for patent infringement notice.

Copyright 2015 - 2019 XBRL US, Inc. All rights reserved.