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DataRPM Sigma

The Micro Workflow for Java Developers

Key Features:

  1. Annotation-based Definition.
  2. Ability to define Fixed or Conditional Flow
  3. Ability to create Dynamic Flow Definition, based on Run Time context.
  4. Ability to share data with different States of a Flow.
  5. Execution Thread Pool control.


You can link against this library in your program at the following coordinates:

Using Maven:



You need to have 1.6+ version of Java installed.

Simple Annotation Flow

Following example connects to database and executes query

DatabaseQueryRequest request = DatabaseQueryRequest(connectionURL, userName, password);
DatabaseQueryContext context = new WorkflowEngine().execute(request);
ResultSet resultset = context.getResultSet();
Workflow Request
@States(names = { InitializeConnection.class, PrepareSQLQuery.class, ExecuteSQLQuery.class })
@Context(name = DatabaseQueryContext.class)
public class DatabaseQueryRequest {
  private String connectionURL;
  private String userName;
  private String password;
  // declare input variables
Workflow Context
public class DatabaseQueryContext extends WorkflowContext<DatabaseQueryRequest> {
  private Connection connection;
  private String sqlQuery;
  private ResultSet resultSet;
Workflow State
public class InitializeConnection implements WorkflowState<DatabaseQueryRequest, DatabaseQueryContext> {
  public void execute(DatabaseQueryContext context) throws WorkflowStateException {
    // Reference to workflow request
    DatabaseQueryRequest request = context.getRequest();
    String userName = request.getUserName();
    String password = request.getPassword();
    Connection jdbcConnection = // initialize connection
    // Set Connection object to context
public class ExecuteSQLQuery implements WorkflowState<DatabaseQueryRequest, DatabaseQueryContext> {
  public void execute(DatabaseQueryContext context) throws WorkflowStateException {
    // Reference to connection object set from InitializeConnection state 
    Connection jdbcConnection = context.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = jdbcConnection.executeQuery("-- some query --");

Conditional Annotation Flow

Following example connects to database, executes query and exports result to csv based on condition

@Flows(flows = {
        @Flow(simple = @States(names = { 
            conditional = {
                    @ConditionalFlow( exp = "request.isExportResultToCsv()", 
                                    states = { ExportResultSetToCSV.class }
@Context(name = DatabaseQueryContext.class)
public class DatabaseQueryRequest {
  private String connectionURL;
  private String userName;
  private String password;
  private boolean exportResultToCsv;

Dynamic Workflow Plan

To execute dynamic workflows use WorkflowExecutionPlan.Builder

DatabaseQueryRequest request = new DatabaseQueryRequest("--url--", "--username--", "--password--");
Builder<DatabaseQueryRequest, DatabaseQueryContext> builder = null;

WorkflowContextFactory contextFactory = new WorkflowContextFactory<DatabaseQueryRequest, DatabaseQueryContext>() {

      public DatabaseQueryContext create() {
        return new DatabaseQueryContext();

builder = new WorkflowExecutionPlan.Builder<DatabaseQueryRequest, DatabaseQueryContext>(request, contextFactory);
builder.executeState(new InitializeConnection());
builder.executeState(new PrepareSQLQuery());
builder.executeState(new ExecuteSQLQuery());
DatabaseQueryContext context = new WorkflowEngine().executePlan(builder.getPlan());

Control Concurrency

WorkflowEngineConfig config = new WorkflowEngineConfig();
WorkflowEngine engine = new WorkflowEngine(config);

Where to go from here ?

Refer book for features like :

  1. Concurrent state execution
  2. Skip on failure
  3. Workflow exit
  4. Workflow state listener
  5. Workflow listener

and many more

We are also available on Google Group (!forum/sigma-rpm) for further discussions and support

Building from source

simply run script ./sbuild/ in cloned directory


This software is licensed under the Apache License, version 2 ("ALv2"), quoted below.

Copyright 2012-2016 DataRPM <>

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License.