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DataRole Address Intelligence API

This is a RESTful API that uses JSON for serialization and Basic HTTP Authentication ( or HTTP Headers ) for authentication.


We do our best to have all of our URLs be RESTful. Every endpoint (URL) may support one of four different HTTP verbs. GET requests fetch information about a single object, POST requests create a new object, PUT requests update an existing object, and finally DELETE requests will remove an existing object.

To enable improved searching capability some endpoints will allow POST requests to fetch information utilizing advanced queries.


We only support JSON for serialization of data. This means that you have to send Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 when you're POSTing or PUTing data to DataRole.

Our response format has no root element and we use PascalCase formatting to describe attribute keys.


Please ensure you're making a private (server-side) integration with DataRole for your authentication to guard against your access credentials being compromised. You can use HTTP Basic Authentication or HTTP Header Authentication. This is secure since all requests in the DataRole APIs use SSL.

We suggest you do not implement public (client-side) integrations with DataRole as this will compromise your access credentials.

Read the authentication guide to get started.

Rate limiting

Be nice. If you're sending too many requests too quickly, we'll send back a 429 Too Many Requests response for subsequent requests. Check the Retry-After header to see how many seconds to wait before retrying the request.

Your limits will be based upon predetermined usage quotas for your tier of service.

Making a request

All URLs start with for security purposes all endpoints are only accessible via https.

The path is prefixed with the product and the API version. If we change the API in backward-incompatible ways, we will incremement the version number and maintain stable support for the old URLs.

To make a request for a dataset, you need to append the request type and query to the path. In curl, that looks like:

curl -u account:secret

Response Structure

Every response is wrapped in an envelope. That is, each response has a predictable set of keys with which you can expect to interact:

    "Property": { 
        "Address": {},
        "Auditor": {},
        "Permits": {
            "Professionals": {},
            "Tags": {}

Handling Errors

If DataRole is having trouble, you might see a 5xx error. 500 means that the app is entirely down, but you might also see 502 Bad Gateway, 503 Service Unavailable, or 504 Gateway Timeout. It's your responsibility in all of these cases to retry your request later.

The Response attribute is used to communicate extra information about an error to the developer. If all goes well, you should never see the Response attribute. However, sometimes things do go wrong, and in that case you might see a response like:

    "Response": {
        "Code": 401,
        "Error": "Unauthorized",
        "Message": "You do not have permission to access this resource."

Available Datasets

API Software Development Kits

Help us make it better

Please tell us how we can make the API better. If you have a specific feature request or if you found a bug, please use GitHub issues. Fork these docs and send a pull request with improvements.

To talk with us and other developers about the API, post a question on StackOverflow tagged datarole-address-intelligence.