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Week 1


  • Name common operating systems
  • Name five key concepts of an operating system
  • Describe open source software and the Linux distributions


  1. Provide a brief history of the following operating systems, key players involved and thier core philosphy:
  • Apple

    • Steve Job and Steve Wozniak
    • Formation
    • Xerox and GUI
    • Apple II and Lisa
    • Partnership and law suit with Microsoft
    • Jobs departure and new ventures (Pixar and NeXt)
    • Jobs return OS X
    • iPod, iTunes, iPhone
  • Microsoft Windows

    • Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Steve Ballmer
    • Formation
    • Key events
      • Working with Apple.
      • DOS and IBM
      • Releasing Windows 1.0 before Apple
      • Windows 3.11, Windows 95
      • Anti-trust investigation
      • Late 90s desktop market share
      • Azure
      • Microsoft Loves Linux
  • Unix

    • Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson
    • AT&T Lab, C programming language
    • Universal Operating System
    • Licensing
    • Berkley, BSD
    • Bill Joy (vim, tcp/ip, BSD), Sun MicroSystems
    • Philosophy
    • Current flavors (include Mac OS)
  • GNU

    • Richard Stallman
    • Printer, GNU, FSF
    • GNU HURD, GNU apps (gcc, etc)
    • 4 Freedoms, GPL v2
  • Linux

    • Linux Torvalds
    • Minix
    • GNU + Kernel, GPLv2
    • Collaboration and Philosphy
    • List of who uses Linux: Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc
    • Devices: Android, Cars, TVs, etc
    • Distribution
  1. Define the following:
  • Operating System
  • Kernel (Monolithic and Micro)
  • Shell
  • GUI
  • CLI

Video, Images, Slides

Video-1 - Short History of Operating Systems.
Video-2 - History of Linux.
Video-3 - How Linux is developed.
Video-4 - 10 Reasons to use Linux.
Video-5 - Introduction to Linux from Linus Torvalds.

Activity and Labs

Lab-1 - Research and Report on Linux Distributions.


HW-1 - Research and Review principles discussed in the outline.
HW-2 - Linux Research. Answers can be found in Videos 1-5.


Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14

Week 15

Week 16