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smWallet - an implementation of spacemesh wallet

smWallet implements the Spacemesh encrypted wallet used by the Spacemesh App.

NewWallet - Creating a new wallet

NewWallet creates an unlocked encrypted wallet with mnemonic phrase and a single keypair

myWallet, err := NewWallet("My main wallet","notAGoodPassword")

LoadWallet - Open an existing wallet

LoadWallet loads a wallet but does not unlock it.

myWallet, err := LoadWallet("keystores/dz.json")

Unlock - access encrypted parts of the wallet

To access the accounts or mnemonic phrase, you need to unlock the wallet.

example : load and unlock the wallet

myWallet, err := LoadWallet("keystores/dz.json")
if err != nil {
err := myWallet.Unlock("notAGoodPassword")

SaveWalletAs - save this wallet to a specific location

This is used to save a new wallet (which does not have a load path) or to save the current state of any open wallet.

err = myWallet.SaveAs("keystores/backup_copy.json")

SaveWallet - save open wallet (does not work for new wallets that have never been saved)

Only works with wallets that have been loaded or previously saved with SaveWalletAs

err = myWallet.SaveWallet()

SignedTransaction - convert a transaction to signed transaction ready for submission

Signs a transaction using current keypair, returns []byte ready to submit

    var tx types.Transaction
    tx.Recipient = types.BytesToAddress(util.Hex2Byte("865330189761187daa2243a1533b0412b8e14613"))
    tx.GasLimit = 100
    tx.Fee = 1
    tx.Amount = 1000000000000
    tx.AccountNonce = 3      // get from account info
    txs, err := smData.SignedTransaction(&tx)

GenerateNewPair - add a new keypair from mnemonic phrase

Requires an unlocked wallet.

keyNum,err := myWallet.GenerateNewPair("name of new keypair")

GetNumberOfAccounts() - find out how many keypairs are stored in wallet

num,err := myWallet.GetNumberOfAccounts()

GetAddress - get the address associated with a specific keypair

addr,err := myWallet.GetAddress(3)

GetPublicKey - get the public key associated with a specific keypair

pub,err := myWallet.GetPublicKey(3)

GetDisplayName - get the display name associated with a specific keypair

name,err := myWallet.GetAddress(3)

SetCurrent - select the wallet to be used for signing transactions

select an existing keypair to be used for signing

err := myWallet.SetCurrent(3)


spacemesh wallet






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