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DaveL17 edited this page Nov 23, 2017 · 1 revision

Under construction.

The plugin package id is: com.fogbert.indigoplugin.wunderstation

The framework of the entire environment as it relates to Indigo is very straightforward. Indigo talks through the plugin to the Weather Underground (WU) servers to allow users to upload data from their Indigo installations to the Weather Underground Personal Weather Station (PWS) network. Communication is bi-directional (but only slightly), and presently happens through routine calls using common Python communication protocols. Plugin users choose a predefined upload interval through a standard plugin configuration setting, the plugin reaches out to the WU servers and uploads data, and Weather Underground responds with a message denoting success (or lack thereof.) The plugin relies on the Weather Underground PWS Upload Protocol.

This plugin is designed to work with Indigo 6.0 and above and is therefore compatible with Python 2.6. I will do my best to account for other implementations where possible, but sometimes I will not be able to do that when it would cause a loss of functionality or break existing frameworks. I will also work to continue to keep the plugin current as Indigo, its Python implementation and WU API evolve over time.