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Neovim custom key mappings

General                                    LSP
-------                                    ---
       jk = escape                         gD        = jumps to the declaration
   ctrl-s = save                           gd        = jumps to the definition
 gh/gl/gs = goto line start/end/1st char   <space>k  = displays hover information
<space>p  = paste from 0 register          ctrl-k    = displays signature info
<space>ts = open terminal below            gi        = lists all implementations
<space>tv = open terminal to the right                 in the quickfix window
<space>qa = quit all                       gr        = list all symbol references
<space>c  = toggle colorcolumn             <space>wa = add workspace folder
<space>n  = toggle line numbers            <space>wr = remove workstation folder
<space>z  = toggle zen mode                <space>wl = list workstation folders
<space>d  = toggle diagnostics             <space>D  = jump to type definition
                                           <space>r  = rename all symbol references
fzf.vim                                    <space>a  = selects a code action
<space>f  = open file explorer
<space>b  = open buffers                   Diagnostics
<space>h  = open file history              -----------
<space>/  = ripgrep search results         <space>e  = show diagnostics from line
                                           <space>l  = sets the location list
ctrl-/     = toggle preview window         [d        = move to previous diagnostic
ctrl-t/x/v = open in new tab/split/vert    ]d        = move to next diagnostic

NORMAL                                      VISUAL

gcc = toggles line using linewise comment   gc  = Toggles the region using linewise comment
gbc = toggles line using blockwise comment  gb  = Toggles the region using blockwise comment

For all the Vim/Neovim built in shortcuts please check out

Neovim plugins

This is a list of all the plugins used, please follow the links to read about how to operate them.

  • nvim-treesitter - Nvim Treesitter configurations and abstraction layer

  • nvim-lspconfig - Quickstart configurations for the Nvim LSP client

  • nvim-cmp - Auto completion plugin for Nvim written in Lua

  • nvim-lightbulb - Shows a lightbulb whenever a textDocument/codeAction is available at the current cursor position

  • nvim-markdown-preview - Markdown preview in the browser using pandoc/live-server through Neovim's job-control API

  • zen-mode.nvim - Distraction-free coding for Neovim

  • null-ls.nvim - Use Neovim as a language server to inject LSP diagnostics, code actions, and more via Lua

  • comment.nvim - Comment stuff out

  • fzf.vim - fzf vim wrapper








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