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David Barishev edited this page Jul 2, 2016 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the DDtank Farming Bot wiki!

DDtank Farming bot is a semi automated (Looking forward to automating it completely) , farming bot for the web flash game Ddtank.The bot is in his early stages still , but some functionality is already there . The bot is modular with his actions , so he runs 'Farming Modules' that are independent of each other.I don't have all the time in the world for this project , so it's open - source , and dynamic with the modules.
The goal of the github page , is to show how to develop 'Farming Modules' , then the creator will hopefully add a pull request where he added his module , and so on we will have a big variety of 'Farming Modules' For every big version , i will provide an executable for windows.

The repository is having big changes now to the framework , API might break any moment until stable version


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