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Create and save orders and their invoices. Export invoices using custom library.

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Use case

When you need to create and manage orders and create and export invoices, but you're not running a typical online store, so libraries like Shopify, WooCommerce, etc. would be an overkill.


composer require psys/order-invoice-manager-bundle

1. Add contents from config files (see config folder) to your config files.

2. Run

symfony console make:migration
symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate

3. Initiate DB settings by running

INSERT INTO oimb_settings (option, value) VALUES ('invoice_proforma_sequential_number', '1');
INSERT INTO oimb_settings (option, value) VALUES ('invoice_final_sequential_number','1');

4. Define your method for exporting invoices (optional)

You can use whatever library you want. This example uses Mpdf.

namespace App\Lib;

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Psys\OrderInvoiceManagerBundle\Entity\Order;
use Psys\OrderInvoiceManagerBundle\Model\InvoiceManager\InvoiceManager;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Twig\Environment;

class MyInvoiceManager extends InvoiceManager
    public function __construct
        private Environment $twig,
        private EntityManagerInterface $entityManager,

    public function createPDF (Order $order, $type, string $outputMode)
        $html = $this->twig->render('invoice/index.html.twig', 
                'order'  => $order,
                'type'  => $type,

            $mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf();

            if ($outputMode === 'HttpInline') 
                return $mpdf->OutputHttpInline();

5. Define your own category for Order (mandatory) or Product (optional)

namespace App\Lib;

enum MyOrderCategory :int
    case FOO = 1;
    case BAR = 1;

Example usage

Creating a new order a and its proforma invoice:

use Psys\OrderInvoiceManagerBundle\Entity\Invoice;
use Psys\OrderInvoiceManagerBundle\Entity\InvoiceBuyer;
use Psys\OrderInvoiceManagerBundle\Entity\InvoiceProforma;
use Psys\OrderInvoiceManagerBundle\Entity\InvoiceSeller;
use Psys\OrderInvoiceManagerBundle\Entity\Order;
use Psys\OrderInvoiceManagerBundle\Entity\Product;
use Psys\OrderInvoiceManagerBundle\Model\OrderManager\AmountType;
use Psys\OrderInvoiceManagerBundle\Model\OrderManager\PaymentMode;
use Psys\OrderInvoiceManagerBundle\Model\OrderManager\State;
use App\Lib\MyInvoiceManager;

public function create_order (OrderManager $orderManager, MyInvoiceManager $invoiceManager)
    $ent_Order = new Order();
    $ent_Order->setCreatedAt(new \DateTimeImmutable());

        (new Product())
            ->setPriceVatIncluded(1599)    // If not set, it will be automatically calculated from price exclusive of VAT
            ->setPriceVatExcluded(1300)    // If not set, it will be automatically calculated from price inclusive of VAT

    $ent_InvoiceProforma = (new InvoiceProforma())
    ->setCreatedAt(new \DateTimeImmutable())
    ->setDueDate(new \DateTimeImmutable('+14 days'));

    $ent_InvoiceProforma->setReferenceNumber(date('Y').$ent_InvoiceProforma->getSequentialNumber()); // Use custom formatting for the reference number

    $ent_Invoice = (new Invoice())
            (new InvoiceBuyer())
            ->setName('Some Buyer')
            ->setStreetAddress1('Street 123')
            ->setCity('Some City')
            (new InvoiceSeller())
            ->setName('Some Seller')
            ->setStreetAddress1('Street 123')
            ->setCity('Some City')


Reseting sequential numbers:

use App\Lib\MyInvoiceManager;

public function reset_sequential_numbers (MyInvoiceManager $invoiceManager)
    $invoiceManager->resetSequentialNumbersEveryYear(); // Premade for cron. This cron needs to be run 1 to 10 minutes before a new year.
    $invoiceManager->resetSequentialNumbers();          // Use for resetting sequential numbers whenever you want


Create and save orders and their invoices. Export invoices using custom library.







