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Demo using a Cordova app with Appium

First, we have to install all the project dependencies npm install

Then, we add a platform. We are going to use an Android Emulator with API 26 (8.0) cordova platform add android

Config your Android device or emulator data in the /tests/

We have to add the Android data in the capabilities object:

    platformName: 'Android',
    maxInstances: 1,
    deviceName: 'any', // with any it will get the first adb device recognized
    platformVersion: '8.0', // the version of our Android OS emulator device
    orientation: 'PORTRAIT', // this is optional
    automationName: 'appium',
    app: './platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk', // it must be exactly the route to our APK
    noReset: true,
    newCommandTimeout: 240

Check appium-doctor. With appium-doctor we know what dependencies are required. We need to install all the necessaries.

npm run appium-doctor

To lauch the tests, first we have to build the app

cordova build android

Then we launch our tests with npm run test:android

package.json config

In the package.json file we have a set of script needed to launch Appium in our project.

  "scripts": {
    "appium": "appium",
    "appium-doctor": "appium-doctor",
    "test:android": "wdio tests/"


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