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A launcher and updater tool for the DayZ Legacy client.

Forked from CPPGameLauncher

Launcher Guide

When you first start the launcher you will be prompted to configure your game settings. Here is a detailed explanation of what each setting does, and the recommended configuration.

  • Game Platform: Select between DirectX 9, DirectX 11, and Vulkan. (recommended selection: DirectX 11)

    • DirectX 9:
      • The default vanilla renderer from pre-alpha DayZ.
      • Very, very slow performance. Abysmal framerates.
      • Most visually accurate to pre-alpha DayZ in terms of lighting, shading, and object/UI rendering.
      • Great compatibility with a massive range of hardware. DirectX 9 runs on almost any GPU made within the last 15 years.
      • This build is not recommended for use at all and is only provided as a fallback in case of hardware incompatibility.
    • DirectX 11:
      • Our custom renderer solution for DayZ Legacy.
      • Performs up to 80% better than the DirectX 9 client and has a much higher average FPS value.
      • Built with higher-end machines in mind, better hardware utilization.
      • You may notice small or large changes in lighting, shading, or object/UI rendering and potentially exclusive issues like artifacting, visual inconsistencies, or crashes.
      • Seriously, can't stress enough how much better this renderer is in terms of performance.
      • This build is recommended for all users by the DayZ Legacy team and is set as the current default.
      • Good support for a wide range of hardware.
      • The requirements for DirectX 11 are as follows:
        • NVIDIA: Fermi-series GPU (GTX 470) or later required.
        • AMD: Radeon HD 5450 or later required.
        • Intel: Intel HD Graphics 4000 or later required.
    • Vulkan (DXVK):
      • A "best-of-both-worlds" solution between DirectX 9 and DirectX 11.
      • Performs up to 60% better than the DirectX 9 client and has a higher average FPS value.
      • Uses the DXVK translation layer to render the default Direct3D 9 scene on top of a Vulkan device. More info:
      • Maintains the same visuals as DirectX 9.
      • May have very small and minor visual inconsistencies.
      • Not compatible with older hardware and GPUs.
      • This build is recommended if you are okay with a slightly lower framerate in exchange for more accurate visuals.
      • According to sources from Khronos, NVIDIA, and AMD, the requirements for Vulkan are as follows:
        • NVIDIA: Kepler (600-series) GPU or later required. The GTX 750 and 750 Ti are not supported.
        • AMD: Radeon HD 7000 series or later required.
        • Intel: Skylake CPU or later required. You must be running driver version or later.
  • Game Platform: Select between 32-bit and 64-bit. (recommended selection: 32-bit)

    • 32-bit:
      • This was the default client provided until pre-alpha 0.62.
      • The most stable platform for DayZ Legacy.
      • Subject to standard 32-bit memory and performance limitations.
      • This build is "Large Address Aware", meaning the engine can use up to 4GB of RAM, v.s. the default 2GB.
      • This platform is recommended for all users by the DayZ Legacy Dev team and is set as the current default.
      • Caveat: You'll still be stuck at 2GB if your system is 32-bit, but any processor made in the past 15 years is going to be 64-bit, so this is a very rare situation.
    • 64-bit:
      • An enhanced, custom-developed client from the DayZ Legacy Dev team.
      • A more unstable platform with limited performance advantages.
      • Can improve performance and loading times in specific situations
      • This build has many crashes, instability, and performance issues we are actively investigating and fixing.
      • Your mileage may vary on this platform and nothing is guaranteed.
  • Display Mode: Select between Windowed and Fullscreen (Exclusive) (recommended selection: Fullscreen (Exclusive))

    • Windowed:
      • The game runs in a resizable window. Better for multi-monitor users until proper multi-monitor support is added. This can sometimes mess up your graphics settings.
      • Caveat: Moving from windowed mode to fullscreen or vice versa may crash the game.
    • Fullscreen (Exclusive):
      • The game runs in an exclusive full-screen window. Better for single monitor users.
  • Memory Allocator: Select between System and Community Memory Allocator (recommended selection: System)

    • System:
      • Allows the OS to manage the game's memory.
      • Good compatibility and performance.
    • Community Memory Allocator:
      • An open-source memory allocator used primarily in ARMA 3 to increase performance.
      • Also known as xtbbmallloc.
      • Can sometimes increase performance and reduce memory usage.
      • YMMV.
  • Join our Discord!

    • If you're not already a part of our Discord, this is a great way to get additional support for issues.