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Day Home Registry

Day Home Registry is your answer for all of your day home searching needs!

Being a parent is busy enough. The mission of the Day Home Registry is to make being a parent a little easier.

Faye and Jon Holt (Day Home Registry owners)

This application provides a registry and social platform to connect day homes with each other and with their customers.


  • day home - a centre providing care for children. These can be licensed or unclicensed and have different certifications and avilability.

The Team

Development Process

All team members coordinate using Pivotal Tracker. It lists all the stories, tasks, bugs, and releases associated with our project in the order in which they should be completed. If you don’t have access to Pivotal Tracker or aren’t sure how to use it, contact Jon.

Day by day, developers should be signing in to Pivotal to find out what the team expects them to work on. If you don’t own any story and have nothing to work on then just start work on the next story listed in Pivotal. If you’re not sure about the next story, or need help deciding what to start next then send an email to the team. Please don’t wait for us to reach out to you if you’ve got nothing to do.

When you start work on a new story, first fetch the latest copy of the project repo from GitHub and then create a new git branch for your work. As you work, commit to the branch as much as necessary and freely push your branch up to GitHub. If your branch exists for more than a day, or as it gets out of sync with the master branch please merge master into your story branch.

Once you’re satisfied that you’ve completed your code push your branch to GitHub. Navigate to the project repo, open your branch and then click the “Pull Request” button. Add any comments you need to explain your change and complete the pull request. The team will be emailed and someone will review your pull request. If they’re satisfied with your changes they can merge your branch into master, otherwise please use the GitHub pull interface to comment and update the branch until the reviewer is satisfied.

TIP: If you’re reviewing a pull request, you can use the tabs at the top of the pull request to view the comments, commits, and change summary. You’ll probably want to start with the comments and change summary.

Once the pull request is merged into master, the continuous integration server will automatically run the tests and email the team if anything goes wrong. Assuming everything is working the integration server will deploy your code to the staging server automatically ready for demo to the rest of the team. The integration server will tweet the team to let them know the code has been deployed.

After the change has been merged and the pull request closed, please mark your story as finished and delivered. Well demo the story to the product owner at the next team demo and they’ll either accept it or reject it. Accepted stories will be deployed to production on a schedule set by the client.

To summarize each state transition:

  • start - this means you've cut a branch and begun work on a story
  • finish - this menas your code has been pushed to a branch on GitHub and a pull request has been merged. If it's finished it can be immediately deployed to staging
  • deliver - this story has been deployed to staging and is ready for review
  • accept - this story has been reviewed on staging and is clear for production deployment
  • reject - this story in not accepted and more work needs to be done before it can be deployed to production


Before you can run Dayhomes in development, you need to install and be running the following on your system:

Begin by cloning the dayhomes repository from GitHub to get access to the projects source code and build assets.

git clone
cd dayhomes

Depending on your setup you then need to install ruby with RVM:

rvm use --create 1.9.3-p125@dayhomes

Or install it using rbenv:

rbenv install 1.9.3-p125@dayhomes

Or install it using	

For the moment, you're going to need to use 1.9.3-p125 because p194 has a conflict with 
the latest build of the EventMachine gem on Windows.

You also need the DevKit, which can be found here:
follow instructions here:

If you have created a new Ruby install you may need to install the Bundler gem. Bundler uses a Gemfile to manage the dependencies of our application.

gem install bundler

Once Bundler is installed, install the gems our project depends on with:

bundle install --binstubs

On Windows, you may want to disable https for rubygems, YMMV, but to prevent nix explosions:

bundle install --without production

The default install of MySQL seems to pull the wrong mysql driver, so you'll want to grab the MySQL Connector 6.0.2:

I had to use the 32bit version despite being on a 64bit machine...seems to be a known bug

The archive contains lib/libmysql.dll which needs to be copied to the %Ruby_home%/bin directory.

Once the software dependencies are installed we need to configure the database. If you haven't already you'll need to install MySQL before continuing.

MySQL on windows with rake is a tricky bugger. In the MySQL ini file, you're going to need to specify the bind-address

# The MySQL server
bind-address	= localhost

You need to create your database configuration file in config/database.yml: cp config/database.yml.template config/database.yml

The user credentials you enter in this file need to be able to create and admin the dev and test databases. In addition, you're going to need to set host: since localhost gets translated to its corresponding IPv4 address in MySQL.

Once all that is configured, you need to setup your database locally

rake db:create
rake db:setup
rake db:seed:samples

You'll also want to prepare the test database with:

bin/rake db:test:prepare

Running the app

We're using the Foreman gem to manage our application processes. Kick off the application with:

bin/foreman start	

Since foreman doesn't seem to work on Windows at this point, you can also start the app the old fashioned way using: rails server

Please note that MySQL and redis should be running as described in the prerequisites section.

Running the tests

Our app ships with a large set of tests. You can run the full suite using:

bin/rake spec

It's also possible to monitor and run tests as you work using the guard gem:


This will run tests on individual files as changes are made.

Gmaps notes

Asset generate for prod: rails generate gmaps4rails:install