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Releases: Daylily-Zeleen/HFSM2

v2.2.0 - For Godot 4.3 - Dev

24 May 17:13
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v2.1.3 - For Godot4.2 and later.

07 Mar 09:30
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  1. Prevent potential self-connection in HFSM editor.
  2. Fix idle, physic, manual update logic.


  1. Use internal process and physics process, now you can override _process() and _physics_process() without calling super().
  2. Show error massage when parsing expression failed.
  3. Rename: HFSMUpdateType -> UpdateType.
  4. Add arguments try_transit and delta for manual_update/manual_physics_update to enhance controllability of manual update mode.

v2.1.2 - For Godot4.2 and later.

05 Feb 18:17
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Optimize the user experience: avoiding hides HFSM editor when editing scripts.

v2.1.1-For Godot 4.2 and later

30 Jan 08:39
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Fix crash when using variable expression in editor (appears after Godot 4.2 statble).

v2.1.0 - for Godot 4.2 stable 🎉

02 Dec 18:27
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This version has not any feature update.
Just update dependencies and build for godot 4.2 stable 🎉.

v2.0.10 - for Godot 4.2

14 Oct 10:13
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  1. Fix global singletons can't be accessed in expression transition.
  2. Allow ClassDB and GDScriptLanguageProtocal in expression.

v2.0.9 - for Godot 4.2

14 Oct 08:14
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  1. Fix runtime crash.
  2. Fix can't jump to script editor when seleting a script in FSMEditor.
  3. Fix undo redo bug of deleting states.

v2.0.8 - for Godot 4.2

13 Oct 08:46
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  1. Hide classes which are used in editor only.
  2. Fix compatibility with godot 4.1.

v2.0.7 - For Godot 4.1.1

14 Sep 14:47
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Some invisable optimization.

This may be the last version for godot 4.1.1, and will create another branch for godot 4.2.


28 Aug 19:02
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v2.0.6 Pre-release
  1. Fix State double exit.
  2. Fix State initialize() can't be called.
  3. Optimize C# wrappers' scripts load timing.