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A python library for declaring and simulating automata and generating expressions as found in Michael Sipsers's Theory of Computation

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CSE 355 Machine Design

A python library to allow students to complete machine design problems in ASU's CSE 355 Online offering


Currently only DFAs and NFAs are supported. PDAs and Turing Machines are in the works for the next few releases.



Requires: Python 3.10+ to use

This library can be installed via the command:

pip install cse355-machine-design


This library has four main usage aspects: machine defintion, machine simulation, machine visualization, and machine submission.

Machine Definition

Machine definition involves defining a machine with a formal mathematical definition. This library borrows its syntax heavily from Michael Sipser's Introduction to the Theory of Computation 1.

See below for example defintions for various machine types


In order to define a deterministic finite automata (or DFA) in this library, we can use the following example as a guide:

from cse355_machine_design import DFA

Q = {"q0", "q1"}
Sigma = {"0", "1"}
delta = {
    ("q0", "0"): "q0",
    ("q0", "1"): "q1",
    ("q1", "0"): "q0",
    ("q1", "1"): "q1",
q0 = "q0"
F = {"q0"}

M = DFA(Q, Sigma, delta, q0, F)

Here we are defining a DFA called M with:

  1. the states q0 and q1 (denoted by Q)
  2. an alphabet containing only 0 and 1 (denoted by Sigma)
  3. a transition function (denoted by delta) that maps a current state, input symbol pair to a new state.
  4. a start state (denoted by q0)
  5. and a set of final states (denoted by F)

Together these make up the 5-tuple discussed in Sipser on page 35.

When defining such DFAs, replace the definitions of each variable as you see fit. When you run the code, the library will let you know if your DFA is invalid in the sense that it violates one of the restrictions of DFAs. A not necessarily comprehensive list of possible violations is found below:

  • Not all states found in transition function
  • Transition function contains states not defined in the state set
  • Transition function contains symbols not defined in the alphabet
  • Start state is not found in the state set
  • Some final/accepting states are not valid states.


There are very few differences between NFAs and DFAs in this library, but for completeness here is an example covering the common ways to define an NFA:

from cse355_machine_design import NFA

Q = {"q0", "q1", "q2"}
Sigma = {"0", "1"}
delta = {
    ("q0", "0"): {"q0", "q1"},
    ("q1", "1"): {"q2"},
    ("q2", "_"): {"q0"}
q0 = "q0"
F = {"q2"}

M = NFA(Q, Sigma, delta, q0, F)

The syntax and semantics are identical to the DFA, however we change the constructor to NFA and are no longer as constrained when defining our transition function delta.

Additionally, we can see the use of the character _ in the transition function. This is the character used by default to represent epsilon transitions.


In the rare cases in which you would like to have _ as part of your input symbols, you can change the character representing epsilon via the constructor:

M = NFA(Q, Sigma, delta, q0, F, epsilon_char="$")

Here we define the machine to treat _ as a normal input symbol and to use $ for epsilon internally.

Do note that this feature should be used as little as possible as it causes the library to perform additional runtime checks and may cause errors in existing codebases.


PDAs or Push Down Automata are similar to NFA but with the added ability to use a depth-unlimited stack data structure for memory.

Heres how you can define one in code:

from cse355_machine_design import PDA

Q = {"q1", "q2", "q3", "q4"}
Sigma = {"0", "1"}
Gamma = {"0", "$"}
q0 = "q1"
F = {"q1", "q4"}
delta = {
    ("q1", "_", "_"): {("q2", "$")},
    ("q2", "0", "_"): {("q2", "0")},
    ("q2", "1", "0"): {("q3", "_")},
    ("q3", "1", "0"): {("q3", "_")},
    ("q3", "_", "$"): {("q4", "_")},

M = PDA(Q, Sigma, Gamma, delta, q0, F)

Unlike NFAs and DFAs, PDAs are a 6-tuple. The new addition is the stack alphabet Gamma. This is a set of characters that represent what can be stored in the stack.

Delta is similarly changed to incorporate the appearance of the stack.

In code we define delta as a dictionary, where the entries are of the form: (Q,A,B): {(R,C), ...} where:

  • Q is the state you are traveling from
  • A is the input symbol you are reading (optionally epsilon)
  • B is the stack symbol you are popping from the top of the stack (optionally epsilon)
  • R is the state you are going to
  • C is the stack symbol you are pushing onto the top of the stack (optionally epsilon)

The notation {(R,C), ...} represents that we can repeat multiple (R,C) pairs in a set format

Machine Simulation

An additional feature of this library is to perform simulation of a machine on a given input string.


The syntax is the same across all machine types.

Checking If A String Is Accepted

We can check if a string is accepted using the evaluate method found on all machine objects.


This evaluates the machine M on the input string 10100.

If there is a mismatch between the charaters in the string and the alphabet of the machine, the library will throw an error.

The method returns a bool representing if the machine accepted or rejected the string.


When evaluating PDAs a memory and time overhead is incurred with respect to the length of the input string. When testing many strings keep the average string length low as it can slow down performance by a lot. When testing a single string, attempting to evaluate strings greater than length 500 may take dozens of seconds on slower systems. The time complexity is not great either, so further increases will result in even higher slowdowns.

Tracing Simulation

When testing automata it is often very helpful to have some level of feedback on how strings are being evaluated.

If you wish to enable tracing, use the enable_trace flag in the evaluate method.

M.evaluate("10100", enable_trace = 1)

Here we are going to check if M accepts or rejects the string 10100 with a trace level of 1. A trace level is an integer representing how much tracing to do. A lower number (minimum 0: no tracing) represents less tracing and a higher number represents more tracing.

Different machine types offer different maximum tracing levels. The current maximums can be seen here:

Machine Type Max. Tracing Level

Machine Visualization

This entire time we have been discussing the formal definitions of machines, however it is often nice to have a state diagram to visualize the machine. This aids in the design loop by providing visual feedback on the automatas structure.

To create a state diagram, we can make use of the display_state_diagram method on any machine object:


This code will generate an HTML file containing your state diagram in the current directory and will automatically open your default web browser to render the file.

A sample screenshot of a generated state diagram is seen below:

A sample state diagram generated by the library

Machine Submission

Especially important for academic use of this library is the functionality to export student work for submission.

When preparing your machines for submission follow the guide below:

Please consider the following example question set:

  1. Design a DFA that accepts the language {w | w is of even length}
  2. Design a DFA that accepts the language {w | w has at least three zeros}

Suppose you write your two defintions that you decided to call M_EVEN and M_THREE_Z.

Before you do anything else, first add the following line of code to the top of the file:

from cse355_machine_design import registry

Next suppose you want to submit M_EVEN for the first problem. Then, after your machine definition, you would write:


For question two you would write:


Finally, you can add the following line to the bottom of the file:


That will create a JSON file called submissions.json that you can upload to Gradescope.


It may help to comment out the calls to display_state_diagram in order to make the whole generation process faster and more consistent.




A python library for declaring and simulating automata and generating expressions as found in Michael Sipsers's Theory of Computation






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