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"Prime Video Background"

Welcome to Prime Video Clone App

To install dependencies run your terminal:


This project use .env file to get base_url to fetch data, so you will be install ngrok on your PC. Follow this link:

To serve data like a fake api, will be necessary the json-server package. Install:

yarn global add json-server

Init server (check if you be in the root of this project):

json-server src/api/db.json 3000

Your terminal shoud be like:

"Json Server Screenshot"

Observe the port of your server (3000)

After, run your terminal :

ngrok http -region=sa 3000

Your terminal shoud be like:

"Ngrok Screenshot"

Copy the https link, and add a .env file (root project)

// .env
API_BASE_URL = 'ngrok-https-link';

Finish, start project:

yarn android