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fun edited this page Aug 30, 2022 · 6 revisions

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Bridge supporting status

Name Code Last Update Data Source 3-rd party Data Dependency Constants Used Fee composition Note
acrossto 2022/08/20 Across SDK V2 Coingecko ETH Price Gaslimit Across BridgeFee + Destination GasFee LOAD_AGAIN
allbridge 2021/12/25 HTTP request Fixed Fee
multichain 2022/08/20 HTTP API V3, Contract RPC Call Fixed Fee, Ratio, Max Fee
cbridge 2021/12/25 HTTP API V2 Token Amount= 1 (BTC ETH) or 10 (Other tokens) Fixed Fee, Ratio LOAD_AGAIN
cex 2022/2/26 Private API (DefiEye) CEXes API and page crawling Chain Name Translate Fixed Fee hotbit deposit fee not considered
hop 2022/2/27 JS SDK 0.0.1-beta.299 Fixed Fee, Swap slippage LOAD ( nodejs subprocess )
orbiter 2022/2/23 Page JS Fixed Fee, Ratio
relay 2022/08/20 HTTP request, Contract RPC Call Src-chain Native Fee LOAD_AGAIN
renbridge 2021/12/13 HTTP request 0.15% fee, Chain Name Translate Fixed Fee, Ratio
terrabridge 2021/12/24 HTTP request Chains, 0.1% fee Ratio
xpollinatev2 2022/3/14 Contract RPC Call, Websocket request Router Address Fixed Fee, Ratio rename to connext, should be divided to multi batches or cache old results (unstable), should LOAD_AGAIN
hyphen 2022/08/20 Contract RPC Call LP Fee + Transaction Fee + Reward Amount LOAD_AGAIN
synapse 2022/05/16 SynapseBridge SDK Bridge Fee + LP Fee
stargate 2022/08/18 Contract RPC Call LP Fee
Rainbow 2022/08/09 HTTP API Gas Fee
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